Links Exchange


Here is a new project that I hope you will share in with me.

I had the idea of a whole "Hippie Network".

So, if you will indulge me, I propose that all of us "too individual for our own good" people of the world, exchange links to our sites.

In other words, you add my link to your page and I'll add yours to mine... (clear as mud yet?)

Here is a banner link to this page. If you like what you see please link to me.
I will do the same for you if you prompt me to.

Trip to Race's Place
Race Bannon's Cozmic Trip Palace

And here is your code

All you have to do is add a link to this page onto yours and then e.mail me a link to your page. at

Delorum Rex @

PLEASE, put the words "hippie links" in the subject line.

Now this cannot be complete ANARCHY so let's have a couple rules...

I know rules suck but I dont wanna lose my web page and I am sure you don't want to either.

So here they are.

1.No links to hatefull stuff

2.No links to porn

3.No links to illegal stuff. (Marijuana legalization issues are fine)

If I can't see putting a link to your page on mine for any reason I will e. mail you and tell you why.

My Favorite Site for Home Pages

Angelfire Home Pages

Links to pages by people like us!

TJay's Page, four stars on the Hipometer

Cool 60's page


Andomeda Sunshine's Place

(The Lyon's Den)

The Unofficical Potatoe Babies Web Page


Hippies Making Home Made Soap


Find Your Way Around This Site

||**HOME**| ||~Cool Links/Lists~| ||^^Hippie Link Exchange^^|||Hippie Books, Movies, Music| |The Legacy, a true story|| Amsterdam Coffee Shop Review |
Hippie Pics
Pictures of YOU the viewer of this page!
The Legacy a true story

|The Coolest thing I have ever seen!|

A brand new technology
