Race's Next Page

Race's "You might be a Hippie ..."

Race's Hippie Definitions

Things you will probably never hear me say...

Things we should all say every day


Some more links for your enjoyment

The Greatful Dead Guide

The Sathyasai Sai Baba Folks

Anotherland-Fantasy Authors, Margaret Weis and other cool authors

Chestnut Farms, HOMEMADE SOAP

Ben And Jerry's Ice Cream

SETI @ Home stuff, and the Planetary Soc. too

What ought to be my friend Adam's homepage

sound and picture archive, some great sound clips from movies here.

Well here you are at the bottom of another of my pages, I know they are a kind of eclectic gathering of things, but ya' know what? I am too. A little of this discipline, a little of that tradition all mixed together with a big ol' slice of American Pie.

But ya' know what else I wouldn't have it any other way. And from some of the emails I have received some of you wouldn't either.

So thank you for your mail. I love every one of them I get, Even the guy who said "..You don't know what it is to be a hippie! You are not from California..." Whatever that means.

Hey PEACE pass it on.

And as an open response to hippiechick@???.com The "om" I use in the background of these pages is a picture of a tattoo I have. It has grown a bit and I am working on the next background pic, derived from it. (and for you perv's out there the "?" in hipsters address do not stand for "AOL" so don't bug that person whoever they are.)

Got Comments? Don't know what you can do with them? "E" them to me here.

email the young at heart hippie

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