Amsterdam Review: Coffee Shops, Pot, Absinth and Hookers!

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It was about 11:00 at night when the train pulled into the airport terminal, I had come up from Brussels and was tired but excited to be in the city that had for so long captures my imagination. It was Thursday night, and my flight did not leave until Sunday morning!

The first thing I would like to share with my travel hungry hippy friends out there in cyber-space is that the train systems in Europe are excellent! They are cheap , clean, and efficient. If you are in any major city, just ask how to get to the train station, and then when you get there ask for directions to your next destination. In all or western Europe I had no problem finding people who spoke English and were happy to help a brother. (Even France).

I opted for first class train cars whenever I could, but even second class was nice.

Okay so back to Amsterdam!

I had booked reservations at the airport Sheridan it was about 200E per night, but this was my last days in Europe and I wanted them to be perfect. The Sheridan was clean and quite lovely, the staff was open, honest and willing to help me on my missions. After wandering the airport for an hour or so I decided to make my way up to my room. I had stopped earlier in the day and picked up a bottle of Pernod Absinth as I have a love for the stuff. In Belgium Absinth is still illegal, but can be obtained if you know the right folks.. I met them easily while there. (But that is another review for another time).

I retired to my room, got some iced bottled water together and melted a few sugar cubes before bed. Now I have a nice little absinth buzz on I am in a beautiful room and I am in Amsterdam,. Can it get any better than this? You bet it can!

The following morning at about 11:00 I took to the streets. I took a taxi to the red-light district, it was 50E, but I knew I would get dropped off right where I wanted to be. So it was worth it.

The first thing I did was to locate a map of the downtown district, this just happened to be available at one of the many Marijuana Museums and History centers. :) After looking through the various exhibits and paying my 2E admission fee, I wandered to the back.. the smell of a familiar smoke in the air, and what do I see? A man who is handing out FREE SAMPLES! Yes right there in the back of the museum is a man with a power hitter! Filling bags with a sweet smoke, these bag hitters are on sale and he has a full range of information and knowledge about them.. I didn't listen... I stood eagerly in line to get my first legal hit. The line was short and I was next. my bag was filled (I think I paid a couple euros for the bag?) And while I was "huffing" my smoke, he offered to sell me a little of his sticky green. Behind him was a 20 x 20 Grow Room from which this sample had came. It was excellent! A warm chested light buzz came from just that one "hit". I said I would d have to pass, on the sticky green for now, but may come back, he smiled and said that I could come back anytime today as I had already paid my admission,  if I wanted to have a little more or just to talk about legalities in my country verses his. These people so far have all been wonderful I thought to myself, no wonder they are all so happy. This is great shi*!

Back onto the streets, it was rainy and cool, but my spirits were not dampened. I had so much to see and do in so little time!

with my head a little high, I went searching for things, that "you just can't see at home".

My next stop.. hookers!

Okay, I am for free love, but here the love ain't free only inexpensive.

At this early a time of day, most of the windows are empty, but a few girls are plying there trade at all times of day or night. They smile and wave at you as you go by, and a few even knock on their windows to get your attention. If you are into viewing lovely ladies, this is a good place to do it. Many of the girls will even give you a peek at what's under there, night wear or bikinis, if you ask. So, voyeurs this is the place for you too! 

Every imaginable body type is on display, and nearly every nationality you can imagine is there too. The prostitutes, seem to gather in groups, of nationality and body types, here you have a group or Eastern European woman, here black ladies, there, you have dark Mediterranean gals.. all open and honest and smiling, and willing in many cases to talk with an old hippy, even if I wasn't "buying". Seems the going rate is 50 E. You , if you decide to take the plunge, will want to find out what's up for grabs before you cross their thresholds, 50 Euros buys 15 minutes as a rule, but everything is negotiable. 

Safe sex is the rule of the day, do not expect any transfer of body fluids! This means no kissing, no licking, no nada! Without a rubber barrier between you that is. I also found out that each girl is also protected by a bodyguard that is just out of sight. Many behind two way mirrors, watching the action the entire time. SO if you think about getting rough with the girls, you will end up with some broken bones and maybe a swim in the canal that runs down the middle of the street. There is no photography allowed anywhere in the red-light district, so don't even think about brining your cameras. The police, who are just as nice and courteous as everyone else will take your camera away, and maybe even ask you to leave... not worth the risk.

There are coffee shops, and bars all through this area, as well as many sex shops and sexual attractions. If you have an open minded partner, I recommend going here with them and exploring your naughtier side. There are sex shows you can attend, with real live lovers on view. I understand that the Banana show is the one to see! It was 45 euros and I was on a mission of marijuana so I did not see it. Maybe next time?

There is also a gay section, that runs much like the regular red-light area. I walked through it, but not being my cup of tea did not ask as many questions.

Okay, back to coffee shops. Do not confuse a coffee shop with a cafe', a cafe' serves coffee! You can get a cup of coffee at a coffee shop, but that is not their specialty!  You will want to walk the streets a while and look in on the shops, there are many to pick from and you will be very stoned after a visit to any of them. The trick here is to find on that suits you mood. Listen to the music pumping out of them, or the lack of music as was the case in my first one. I wanted something that would let me feel like I was in a city , older then my county or origin, and I found it easily. It was a converted basement of a building, down into the darkness, open rafter above and a door only perhaps 5 and a half feet tall.  Dark and quiet, with small groups of people gathering at the tables conversations hushed something like a scene from "Tale of Two Cities". I opted for the bar. 

Proper etiquette is to ask for a menu. Which I did, the "bartender' pulled the menu out opened it, and said, ask anything you want. He also offered me a cup of coffee wile I made my selection. The coffee was great by the way.

There wear easily two dozen types of Mary Jane and hash on the menu, each with a flavorful description. I opted for the Hash, this time out. What I got was a vile with about a half gram of fine pressed hash sticks (cost?  12 euros) I had my one hitter at the ready.. I broke a bit off, stuck it in my pipe and... inhaled deeply.. it was a fine easy to inhale smoke, with a herbal hint, and full bodied feel. Easy on the lungs, the rush that followed was almost immediate! This was good stuff! The only thing that would have made it better would have been to have someone to share the experience with, my next trip will be with as many friends as I can muster.

I spent the next two hours hitting my pipe, and chatting with the bar tender, we talked about the many things on the menu, from "bullfrog sticky green" to black mamba hashish, he knew the properties of each and was willing to share his wealth of information about them all freely.

He recommended some indica-sativa hybrid for the road, and sold me a few "European rolling papers" , they were cone shaped, and pre-glued ready for stuffing, and even offered a few tips on how to stuff them properly.

The rest of my days there were much like this first, my only regret was that I had not planned a month to explore this wonderful city and see more of its attractions.

A few tips for the traveler.

My whole trip including a week in England and France, and Belgium cost less than $2500 and I stayed in close to first class accommodations, it could be done on half of that was worth every penny. I cannot stress to you enough how much you will enjoy Amsterdam. You really have to experience the whole thing for yourself.




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