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Puodzius - O que eu sei

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"There were 105 Puodzius families living in Lithuania circa 1989 (A. Vanagas, Lietuviu Pavardziu Zodynas, Vilnius, 1989). Forty five of those families lived in the City of Klaipeda.
Lithuanian Dictionary, Bronius Piesarskas and Bronius Svecevicius, Zodynas Publishers, Vilnius, 1994-1995, describes 'puodzius' as the Lithuanian word for 'potter'.
Puodinas, Puodys, Puodkalnis, Puodzelis, Puodziukaitis, Puodziukas, Puodziukynas, Puodziulis, Puodziunas, Puodziuvaitis, Puodziuvis, are related Lithuanian surnames.
The Puodziunas surname is the most popular (174 Lithuanian families circa 1989) variation of the Puodzius surname."

The -iewicz/-ievic~ius = "son of" patronymic ending came into general use quite early (1300-1400) because Old Belarussian was the language of record in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.  Ethnic Lithuanians were a minority (estimates are about 200,000 Lithuanians vs. 2,000,000 Ruthenians) in the Lithuanian Empire. The pagan Lithuanians in the 14th century had no indigenous tradition of literacy, and records were obviously principally being kept by Orthodox Christian Ruthenian clergy.

LINKSMU SV. KALEDU IR = Merry Christmas and LAIMINGU NAJUUJU METU = Happy New Year

Vo Napoleao era filho de Antanas Puodzius e Catarina Pusvaskis Puodzius A avo era filha de Ciprian Zabiela e Levanorija Zabiela


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