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HealNet,Inc. Click Here--Welcome Psychic Healers net!Click here!A healing link to love and romance e-date2M to tools of psychics.

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Natural born psychic.tm - Toning, What it is!

Exclusive Medicine. This may be a better word than Alternative. Alternative suggests that it is something less than the top priority. Enough of linguistics. Lets take about sound. More Specifically: Toning. We have been doing every session of the psychic drummers in Orlando and found it relaxing, healing and full of love. Sound, very simply is energy. It is a push of air created by two objects moving against each other, like the vocal cords. It could be the pounding of drums, cymbals or wind created, even the beating of angel wings. According to classical physics, no sounds created in the forest if a tree falls and there is no one to hear it. A typical sender receiver scenario. Without people there could not be people and vice versa. All things in the Universe has a vibration, a tone, a specific sound. The vibration of the musical note A is 550 hertz or cycles per second.. middle C has a sound also All molecules and the building blocks of all matter ,atoms, have a vibration. The most honorable sound is that of silence is listening. Silence is the key to adventures of the Universal sound. It is the lost. Chord.
When you breathe you inhale and exhale you produce a specific sound, the heartbeat and pulse, the flow of the blood and the human symphony goes o. The are yawning, crying , sobbing l laughing All made to communicate. Animals communicate through certain guttural sounds and may not be words as we know them but they are communication nonetheless. Every human begin has a specific sounds and animals know when you are even close. This is why you feel at ease with some people, not others. It is their vibrations, their energy, sound; they are the same. Sound produces strong changes in conciousness, heightens awareness and aids in reaching meditative state. The natural sound of a waterfall, drum, birds, singing, whales strikes a cord deep within us that makes us aware that we are all one. HISTORY THE Mystery Schools of Egypt, Rome and Greece understood that vibration is the fundamental active force in the universe and developed specific chants and tones for healing. Egyptian monks used the vowel sounds to activate the energy centers of the body. The merging of senses is triggered by sound. It can bring forth memories of taste smell or injury sensations. The instruments could be: crystal bowls, rocks, Tibetan bowls, flute, tuning forks xylophone, maracas, harp and drums. There isn't substitute for the human voice. Many instruments were created to copy the quality of the human voice. Chanting mantras or the Sacred names of the Creator, chanting the vowels A,E,I,O,U, creating your own sound as efficient. Toning is the use of the human voice as a healing tool, the natural process of making vocal sounds of the purpose of balance, which is perfection-translated from the Greek as balance. These sounds are natural expressions of people in every culture and do not have a precise meaning. Imagine hammering with you thumb and not making the sound. Without the release of sound the body will tighten and produce a pathological state. When you produce the sound, you restore the body to balance. In toning there are no rules, therefore no mistakes. It is a matter of letting yourself go and let the sound emerge. If you want to try use the sounds that are already present your life. When a confortorable with the particular sound, change it to a different tone and vibration until you feel free. Working in groups is great. Remember, toning isn't changing although sometimes it may seem like it using words such as YOD_HE_VAU_HE (a sacred name of the creator). A simpler one is HU, used by Eckankar. Experiment and be well.
A great book Healing Sounds: The Power of Harmonics by Jonathan Goldman.
Element Books, MA., 1992 copr.

  • July 24, 1997you being healed as you read. no obligation. just breathe deep. the sounds you hear are the sounds of silence.

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