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DRAMATIC AREA Make into a beach scene. Put out beach towels, sunglasses, straw hats, empty suntan bottles, boat, fishing poles, construction paper fish, picnic basket filled with play food.

SCIENCE- Have two squares of butter and place one on each plate. Put one in a very sunny area and the other one in a shady area. Come back later and discuss with the children what has happened.

SPIRIT WEEK- On the last week of school have a spirit week for the children. Each day have a special activity going on. Like hat day, sunglasses day, stuffed animal day, pajama day, color day, backward day, etc.

SUMMER FUN FAIR- Booths around the playground like: trike wash, face painting, fsh pond, baby baths, bubble blowing, ring toss, and a lemonade stand where they squeeze their own.

ICE CREAM SOCIAL- Have 4 or 5 different types of ice cream for the children to taste.

SPONGE TOSS- Set out bucket of water and a large sponges. Soak them in the bucket and then toss it back and forth with the children.

SUN PRINTS- Put three or four shapes out of construction paper on a brightly colored paper. Place the papers in a sunny window. After several days, let the children remove the shapes from their papers to reveal the non faded areas under the shapes. Let the children outline the non faded areas with glue and sprinkle on glitter.

BUBBLE ART- Have the children put their own straw into a cup of bubble mixture and blow until bubbles are on top of the cup. Lay your paper on top of the bubbles and the design will show up on their paper. Add food coloring to the bubble mixture to make the designs more colorful.

BUBBLES- Cut a circle from poster board, then cut out the center. Squeeze glue along the edge. Put tissue paper over the circle. Allow to dry. Then do the other sides with light blue tempera paint. Punch a hole at the top, thread with fishing line(clear). Hang from the ceiling.

BIG BUBBLE BIG BOOK- Have each child use white fingerpaint to paint a big bubble. While still wet, sprinkle multi-colored glitter on the bubble. Let dry. Shake off excess glitter. Cut around the bubble, then glue to another paper. Write as they describe their bubble. Bind the pictures together to make a book. Read during group time.

WATER BALLOON SHEET TOSS- You'll need lots of water balloons and several old large sheets. One group gathers around the outside of a sheet, stretching it out like a net. Another group stands behind a line and tosses water balloons into the sheet. Adults turn their backs to the net throwing them over their shoulders while children toss forward. The goal is for the group who is catching to catch as many water balloons as they can.

FRUIT KEBABS- You need strawberries, orange segments, pineapple chunks, melon chunks, lettuce leaves. For each child thread one or two strawberries, orange segments, pineapple chunks, and melon chunks on a bamboo skewer. Serve in top of lettuce leaves placed on paper plates. Talk with the children about the rainbow colors of the fruits. Then have them remove the fruits from the skewer before eating them.


1 gallon cool water
1 cup liquid dishwashing detergent (Dawn or Joy)
2 Tbsp. liquid glycerin or white syrup

Mix the water and detergent thouroughly making as little suds as possible. Allow the mixture to sit overnight in a cool place. Add more water to this mixture on a less humid day. Glycerin is available at the pharmacy.


Divide your playground into seven stations where the events will be held. One adult should be at each station if at all possible. Divide the children up into 5 to 10 children. Every child should receive a reward at every station. They should have them pinned on at each station. End your olympic day with a picnic lunch. Let the children practice the events 3 or 4 times before the olympics start. The seven stations you could have set up are; relay race, frisbee throw, long jump, tricycle races, egg on a spoon race, water balloon toss, and walking backwards race.
