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1 stick margarine
6 c Crispix cereal
1 c. cocktail peanuts or mixed nuts
2 C. pretzel sticks
1 t. seasoning salt
2 t. worchestershire sauce

Preheat oven to 250 degrees. Meft the margarine in a 15" by 1O"x 2"pan. Remove the pan from the oven. Stir in seasoning saft and worchestershire sauce. Add cereal, nuts and pretzels. Mix to coat Bake 1 hour stirring frequently. Spread on paper towels to cool.


You will need:
1 med cup or plastic flower pot
1 small butter tub
1 styrofoam or paper cup
Aluminum foil or a paper sack

Turn flower pot upside down, set a small butter tub on next openside down ~as tofit on top offlower pot). Tape with masking tape to hold together. Take the styrofoam cup, cut it in half use the bottom half set openside down on butter dish tape in place. Should resemble a triangle. Cut a circle on the bottom of the cupto have an opening. You can cover this with aluminum foil or a brown paper sack to make it look like a volcano.

Now for the erupting part:

You need:

A box of baking soda
A bottle of vinegar
A bottle of liquid dish soap
Red food coloring
Mix 1/2 c. of liquid dish soap (cheap brand) and a few drops of food coloring. Add a tsp. of baking soda to top of volcano. Put the volcano in a tray, add the red liquid soap mixture about 1-2 tsp. then 2 tsp. of vinegar. Watch the action begin, you can do this as many times as you want.


Five enormous dinosaurs
Shouting out a roar
Along came an alligaotr
Then there were four.

Four enormous dinosaurs
Sitting in a tree
'Til the wind blew by
Then there were three.

Three enormous dinosaurs
Were taken to the zoo
'Til one got away
Then there were two.

Two enormous dinosaurs
Were having such fun
'Til a volcano blew up
Then there was one.

One enormous dinosaur
He must of weighed a ton
'Til the lakes dried up
Then there were none.


(Sung To: Bringing Home A Baby Bumblebee)

I'm bringing home a baby dinosaur
Won't my mother fall right through the floor
I'm bringing home a baby dinosaur
Oh, he's squishing me.

I'm tying up my baby dinosaur
Won't my mother fall right through the door
I'm tying up my baby dinosaur
Now it will be mine forever more.

When doing the unit on dinosaurs the children really loved where we used the children as measurement so that they could see how long a dinosaur was. We did the Triceratops, Brachiosaurus, Brontosaurus, Stegosaurus and Tyrannosaurus Rex. This was a super way of showing the children the concept of measurement and so that they could visualize how big dinosaurs could be. I set up the dramatic area as a camp sight with a tent, binoculars, backpacks, maps, flashlights, pretend food, small plastic dinosaurs and pictures of dinosaurs. The children went on alot of dinosaur hunts.


Materials needed are plaster of paris, water, spoons to scoop the plaster into measuring cup, measuring cup, thick, sturdy, plastic sandwich bags with twist ties. Give each child a plastic bag, have them measure 1 cup of plaster and 1/2 cup water into the bag. Teacher will twist tie the bag. Let the children knead, roll, punch, poke, etc.the bag. As they work with it, it will start to set. When it is hard, remove the bag to reveal a unique free form sculpture. They can paint them with liquid tempera if the wish too.


Materials needed sand, hot water, corn starch, alum, bowl, saucepan, measuring cups and spoons, food coloring (optional)


3 cups sand
2 1/4 cups hot water
1 1/2 cups cornstarch
3 tsp. alum
Food coloring
Mix sand,cornstarch, and alum in saucepan. Add hot water, and food coloring. Cook over medium heat until thickened. Remove from heat and knead until smooth. Play freely and store in a air tight container as this will dry out.

DINOSAUR EGGS- Explain to the children that Brontosaurus hatched from an egg about 10 inches long. Blow up balloons that are that size and ask the children to help you make it into a paper mache egg. To make the eggs have the children dip one by six inch strips of newspaper into a flour and water paste. Run the strips between their fingers to remove excess water and then lay the strips on the balloon. Cover the balloon completely with several layers. Dry completely and paint any color the children chose. Make a nest in a box with clay, straw, yarn, string, paper scraps, and glue for the dinosaur egg and write a stories about the egg.

During group time have a sheet with the heading "What If A Dinosaur Came To Your House" and have the children tell you what they would do and write each thing that they say.


Ingredients: one hotdog for each child, stick pretzels, ruffled potato chips or dill pickle slices, mustard in a squeeze bottle. Prepare the hotdogs in a crockpot. Using tongs get one hotdog out of crockpot. Break a potato chip in half or use a dill pickle slice. Cut a slit along one side of the hotdog, put the chip or dill pickle in the slit. Put four pretzels in the hotdog for legs. Use the mustard to make eyes.


Vanilla ice cream, cherry flavored soda (cold). Measure 3 Tbsp. of the ice cream in a cup, slowly pour the soda into the cup until it is half full. Stir. Add more soda SLOWLY. Now that your drink has erupted you can drink it.


Mix instant pistachio pudding. Cut fruit into bite sized pieces. Dip into the pudding.
