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Poems of a Grieving Heart


These poems were written by me after the death of my Mother, which was quite possibly the worst time of my life. I wrote down my thoughts and prayers to God. He, of course, sustains us always and is a very present help in the times of trouble.  By publishing these poems on my personal page, I hope to give someone else the way to come back up from the darkness after the loss of a loved one.  These are poems of a grieving heart and cover quite a few years.  I have dated them starting with the first one I wrote after my Mother died. As God gave the inspiration, I continued to write.

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      Mom, I went to your grave today
      And as I was there, I tried to pray
      But, though I know it is the thing to do
      to go now and then to visit you--
      I also know that you are not there,
      But abiding in Heaven so glorious and fair.
      The grief is still here and will be I fear
      Until the day the Lord calls me home
      His glories to share
      And reunites us over there.
                                           Patricia Davies


      "Behold, a door was opened in heaven." Rev:4:1
      This isn't death, it's glory!
      It isn't stumbling, groping,
      Or even faith--it's sight.

      This isn't grief, it's having
      My last tear wiped away.
      It's sunrise, it's the morning
      Of my eternal day!

      It isn't even praying,
      It's speaking face to face,
      It's listening, and it's glimpsing
      The wonders of His grace.

      This is the end of pleading
      For strength to bear my pain;
      Not even pain's dark memory
      Will ever live again.

      How did I bear the earth life
      Before I came up higher,
      Before my soul was granted
      It's every deep desire.

      Before I knew this rapture
      Of meeting face to face
      The one who sought me, saved me,
      And kept my by His grace.

      Martha Snell Nicholson.

      This poem was sent to me by the wonderful pastor of
      the church I was attending at the time my Mom died.
      I cannot thank God enough for having him
      take the time to send this to me for my comfort. God
      definitely uses others in just the way he needs them.


      Lord, make me see beyond my sorrow
      Let me know there will be a bright tomorrow
      Hide me under thy shadow
      and cover me with thy feathers
      and keep my mind stayed on thee.

      When I take my eyes from my Savior's face
      I look around at things that don't matter,
      Things that glitter, beckon, and try to enthrall
      Then I hear my Savior call
      and say in me you have it all.
      All that I need from day to day
      is Jesus in my life to stay.
      He is the answer to all my needs
      and promises to supply them, but not my greeds.

      Help me to lay my treasures in heaven
      and though I may have none here below
      I pray there will be some there when I go.
      For such a short time we live here on earth
      Help me,dear Lord,to do something of worth.
      Oh what a shame to have nothing to show
      for a lifetime of living on this earth below.

      Patricia Davies

      Lord, thank you for being so near
      especially when my days are drear
      Thank you for sufficient grace
      to live this life and run the race
      and someday, Lord, when face to face
      I'll know the answer to all life's pain
      and never will question about it again.

      I know you know what it is to suffer
      and bear such pain like none other
      and though you were sinless, died in shame
      to bring those to glory who trust in your name
      Thank you, Lord, for dying for me
      for hanging my sins upon the tree
      and thank you, Lord, for the gift so free
      of eternal life in heaven with Thee.

      Patricia Davies


      Lord, today I feel better
      It's been a long time since I could sing
      But help me to rejoice that Mom is under your wing
      My aching heart wants her back here
      so we could talk a feel some cheer
      But Lord, you in your wisdom have called her home
      Where she is now happy and never alone

      She always said I was always singing,
      But not now, Lord, because I miss her so
      Please help me to sing again soon
      and forget the pain that fills me with gloom

      Help me to know that her happiness is sure
      and that with you she is safe and secure,
      Waiting for that wonderful day
      when all sin and death will be done away
      That wonderful day when you come again
      to gather all your saints from their graves
      and change us all in a twinkling of an eye
      to live with you forever in the sky.

      Patricia Davies

      I KNOW

      I know my Savior is alive and preparing a place for me
      that where He is, there I may be.
      I know He sees my tears and hears my cry
      and will be there to take my hand when I die

      I know that He lives to intercede for me
      and that He gave His life to set me free;
      Free from bondage to sin and shame
      Free to go out and proclaim His name

      I know the promises that are in His Book,
      but sometime, I regret, I forget to look.
      I let sorrow and misery enter my days
      Instead of centering my thoughts on praise.

      Praise to Him, who is King of Kings
      And praise to Him who gives us all things
      All things in Christ are mine today
      Never let me cease to say
      Thank you, Lord, for all you do
      To prove again and again your Word is true.

      Patricia Davies


      Lord, the days have come, the days have gone
      Who knows but I how the days are so long?
      Time has a way of slowing down,
      especially when I am wearing a frown.
      Cheerful days go by much quicker
      and seem to pass before eye can flicker;
      But then sorrow comes along a takes away all my song.

      Help me to fill my days with cheer and memories dear
      and help me not to dwell on the sad,
      But keep me thinking of things that are glad.

      Oh, that we could memories erase,
      especially those that are hard to face.
      Satan would like to wrap us in gloom,
      But faith is the victory that seals his doom
      Satan cannot keep us in despair
      When on God we cast our care.
      Greater is He that is in us, than he who is in the world
      And greater is His love for us than anyone has ever told.

      And though the story may be old,
      He died on the cross to save our soul,
      and now He keeps us by His grace
      Until the day we are face to face.

      Patricia Davies

      Summer is Here

      The days are busy now, summer is here
      The sun is bright and skies are clear
      All birds are busy chirping and singing
      and once in a while I hear bells ringing.
      The months of winter are gone and past
      and so are the days so weary at last.

      Some days are too busy to have time to ponder
      on what is going on in Heaven up yonder,
      but when I have time to think in quiet,
      I think of my Mother way up there
      living with Jesus and having no care.
      The beauty and splendor of Heaven is such
      That we cannot imagine the glory that waits
      when at last we feel our Savior's touch.

      Just to reach out and touch His hand will be my final goal in life,
      And then when He leads me into His kingdom above
      I will know all the fulness of His love.
      I will see clearly and understand the things that have
      brought trouble here on earth.
      He will tell me why each and every tear had to dim my eyes,
      and what is best--there will be no more cries.
      No more tears, no more fears,
      just endless, endless, endless years.

      Patricia Davies


      It's been one year today, Lord, since Mother came to you
      And still the pain I feel is almost as new
      As it was on the day when you called her home.
      When, Oh Lord, will I cry no tears--
      Not till I'm in Heaven for endless years?
      I must stop and think of her happy state
      And know that for me I just have to wait--
      Until the day when all tears will cease
      And you will have called me into your peace.

      Oh, Lord, I miss her much more than words can say;
      Give me strength to live each day
      and face each tomorrow,
      To know that ahead is joy unspeakable, with no more sorrow.
      Help me to tell others the story
      of Jesus and His great love
      that caused Him to leave His home above
      and come to this earth to teach us the way
      that we should live to be with Him some day.

      What did He give?
      His own life for me,
      He gave so free
      All I can do is accept His grace
      and live for Him until I see his face.

      Patricia Davies

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