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Welcome to  Pinto Pals

Is There A Difference Between a Pinto & a Paint?

Yes AND No.  Sounds confusing, doesn't it.  I'll get you a little more confused.  A Paint CAN be a Pinto, but a Pinto CANNOT be a Paint.  So the big question is WHY?

First, let me explain one thing that people get confused about.
The color patterns. Most people I've run across call a Tobiano
patterned horse a Paint and an Overo a Pinto, or visa-versa. Both are wrong and both are right.  Both color patterns are acknowledged by both the Pinto Horse Association and with the Paint Horse Association.

So where is the difference? It's all in the breeding.  The Paint Association only recognizes the Quarterhorse and Thoroughbred bloodlines.  The Pinto Association recognizes all bloodlines except for Appaloosa, Draft and Mules.  Therefore, the Paint can be re-
gistered in both the Paint Association  AND the Pinto Association.  The Pinto cannot be registered in the Paint Association.

On the next page you will find my Arab/Pinto stallion, a young Paint stallion and  a Half-Arab Pinto filly that is sired by the famous Paint stallion, the late "Scribbles".
The two stallions are Tobianos and the filly is an Overo. The Tobiano coloring is explained as a white base coat with darker patches.The Overo coloring is just the opposite. Dark base coat with white patches.

"There's good and bad in EVERY breed. A good horse is a good
horse, no matter what it's breeding is".

Visitor numbersince 9/2/97