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Hi everyone! I'm Pidgeot the latest evolution of pidgey. Most pokemon have evolution but may take longer to evolve. There are 150 pokemon and I have them all listed. Also with the evolution I have all of that too. I've done good so far keeping it updated. Hope you like it.

If you a Pokemon master click here Guestbook by GuestWorld Who's a Pokemon master?

HI! I'm looking for some skilled trainers to be part of my Elite Four! The quiz I have here are question only pokemon master can get! E-mail me with all of the answers and your name then you'll be a part of this page's Eliete Four and I'll put your name on the page! Here's the quiz! 1.Who are the three majestic birds? 2. 3. 4.Do all pokemon evolve? 5.Who are the three rare pokemon you can only start out with? 6. 7. 8.Are there such things as wind pokemon? 9.Dratini evolves into Dragonite and then Dragonair? T F 10.Caterpie evolves into Kakuna then Butterfree? T F 11.How many types of Pokemon are there? 12.What 2 types is Aerodactal? 13.Kabuto? 14.Omanyte? HARD! 15.What level does Ponyta evolve at? 16.Clefairy evolves into Clefable with the Moonstone? T F 17.Evee can evolve with the leaf stone? T F 18.Who is number 43? 19.Who is number 94? 20. There is an exsisting pokemon called Myuu that is number 151? T F Chat here! Chat Now

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How many pokemon Ash has
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All 150 pokemon!
A Picture of Pikachu
A Picture of Bulbasuar
A picture of Charmander
A picture of Squirtle
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