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Welcome to Phujarq, an unique world from the warped mind of Dungeon Master Lynn Hickman.    Orignally intended as the location for a fantasy role-playing adventure, this website will deal primarily with the game.    However, Lynn is also considering writing a series of fantasy novels set on Phujarq.
the castle wall




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Description of the world Phujarq
description of Phujarq

Find what you're looking for on this site by checking out our Site Map!
Or visit some of our sites by clicking on the link buttons below

the castle wall

Some Spotted Dog Websites

Phujarq Adventure Site Map
The Phujarqian Guest Book
The Aardvark's Managerie Home Page
Dalmatian's Home Page
Khandyll's Story
The Drangal Adventure
Andy Hickman's Home Page
Lynn Hickman's Home Page
Suzi Hickman's Home Page
Lynn's Science Fiction Web Site

the castle wall
The Dungeon master strongly encourages you to send him your comments, suggestions and criticisms (both positive and negative).    Click on the yellow dragon to or direct snail mail to

D. M. Phujarq
The Spotted Dog
P. O. Box 641
Bryan OH 43506-0641
the castle wall

web pages

Daisy, a demure green dragon
a demure
green dragon

Currently only the three sections shown on the left contain useful information. The groups shown to the right are planned for the future.

Sidney, a fastidious red dragon
a fastidious
red dragon
the castle wall
Please sign the Phujarqian Guest Book
The Phujarq Adventure Site Map
Player Character Abilities in the Phujarq Adventure

Lynn's Home PageThe Aardvark's ManagerieSuzi's Home Page

the castle wall
©2002, The Spotted Dog
latest update on
Tuesday, May 7, 2002