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     Welcome, Honored Guests, to the Palace Gallery. 

     I do still find new pictures I really like, so, as always, these pages are often updated.  In fact, I have a bunch of new pictures for the Royal Library, Rose Gardens, and Balcony that I will be getting up soon.  Currently, there are 392 images in this Gallery.

     As some of the Galleries contain extensive images, I ask that you please be patient while they load.  These pictures are available for you to use, though I ask that if you take one of the images that you please put a link back to the Palace on your site.  I have several Banners you can choose from (or a text link works just fine).  Also, please do not directly link to the images - save them and upload them to your own server.  If you don't, the image will not show up on your site, but a nice square announcing that you have an Angelfire image on your page will appear and everyone will know you direct linked a picture.  (Plus, it slows down my site for everyone who is visiting...not to mention for me when I'm trying to update things!)  Oh, in case anyone wondered where the little icons came from on the image map, they're from the SNES game "Pretty Soldier Sailormoon Another Story" which is translated in English, but only for the emulator version. (You can find them at Lycentia's Sailor Moon Web Graphics Shop

     Now that we have dispensed with the formalities, please choose a chamber of the Gallery and, as always, visit as often as you like.

.:Return to the Palace:.