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god, Angelfire SUCKS!! if I find out you clicked on this ludicrous banner above, I will physically beat you. Anyone who clicks on those banners should be locked in an insane asylum. You have no purpose on this Earth, you assholes you! You crazy people!

Welcome to my WEB Page!!! 

For your viewing pleasure, we ask that there is to be no food, drinks, flash photography, smoking, or talking while viewing this page. Thank you.

If you would like to know about MYSELF, click on the bar proximal superior to the octothorpe, but DO NOT click on the bar inferior to the octothorpe!




If you would like to learn about my BBS, click on the link distal to the ampersand.



"As you can see, I love to confuse people, it's what I do best, so excuse me if I seem a tad obfuscating."

I couldn't help to notice how much I HATE this HTML editor. First off, I cannot do multicolor letters. It's really vexatious, dOh!

It is now 1:12 am EST, and as you can see by the absurd text in some areas that I am really apathetic & lethargic.

For a list of Web addresses that are my favorite, or that I felt like putting, click HERE .

If you would like to send E-MAIL to me, or have any ideas on how to make this page better, click on the octothorpe superior to the underscore. #

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My Wildlife Photography Page

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Intervention Software Home Page
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Part II of this page!
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