Jennifer & Andrea's Backstreet Boys Heaven!!
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Jennifer & Andrea's Backstreet Boys Heaven!!

We hope you enjoy our page and don't forget to tell us what u think of our page ok??
Please Note: we couldn't fit all that we wanted onto this page, so to get to the second half of our page, just click on the last link!! Have fun!

~*~We bope that you and your family have a nice and safe holiday season!~*~

Last updated on June 15, 1999

All 5 Guys' Biographies

Hot Pictures!!!

Articles on Nick, Brian, A.J., and all of the BSB!!


Quotes~actually short conversations between the guys!! ( very funny!!!!)

Quotes from Nick!

Quotes from Brian!!

Quotes from A.J.!

Here is the Quote of the Month!

Quiz of the Month and other quizes!!

Here is our chat room

here is the second half of our page (rumors, lyrics, listen to their songs, etc.)

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