Welcome to Mythago Wood

First of all, let me introduce myself. I am known as A Mythago in most places on-line. Most people know me as a bit of a flirt and a ladies man, but also know that I have a serious side as well. This page is intended to introduce myself to the many people who want to know more about me.

Special note. In case you are wondering about the name, Mythagos are a fictional creature born of Human imagination and need. They can be heroes or villains, sinners or saints, depended on the mind that brought them forth. An appropriate handle for one who professes to travel the paths of human imagination. My personae is a corruption of the legend of Pan, a merry fellow with pan flute always in hand, with magic at his beck and call, and an eye for the ladies.

As it is inevitable when chatting someone will ask you for your personal stats, what you look like, or otherwise being nosy *smile*, I have included a short personal description of myself. While reading this, I ask you to keep only one thing in mind...all that you read here is only the tip of the iceberg.

Latest News. It is hard to believe it has been so many years since I lasted updated this page. Originally back in 2004 I mentioned I was in the process of getting a divorce from my ex-wife Alessandra which ironically did not happen. Since then I reconciled, had another child and ended up divorcing after over 20 years of marriage. I have since moved on and still have two wonderful children from the marriage while enjoying life with my new wife Jenifer. One thing about getting a divorce it seems old friends always seem to find you. I am not online as much as I used to but feel free to email me or sign the guestbook. For those of you newly arrived I say merry meet, and for those of you returning merry meet again!

Plays a somber tune on his pan flute, the mist begins to gather...
Farewell all, and I'll see you on-line!
Fades into the mist, a final note lingers on the breeze...***GONE***

Personal Information
As of 1 April 2024

Darts in Saudi Arabia...taken in 1996.

For a more current picture, click here

Name: Edward Robert Vaughn III
Nicknames: Wolff (see below)
Ed (this is the only acceptable shortening of my name)
Damnit (I got this one from a friend of mine...a supervisor and I used to joke around with each other, and he would often say "Damnit, why don't you just get back to work"...my friend asked me if Damnit' was really my first name, and it stuck.)
Alias(es): A Mythago (from a book called Mythago Wood, by Robert Holdstock"
Amadan (the Celtic God of Trickery, similar to Loki or Coyote)
Varkaus (from a book called The Varkaus Conspiracy, by John Dalmas...the book wasn't memorable, but I liked the name.)
Robert Anthony Wolff (this is my official alias, due to an unfortunate run-in with the FBI during my college years)
Age: 52
Birthday: July 13 1971 (my 13th birthday fell on a Friday the 13th)
Sex: Male
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Skin: Olive complexion...but I get really pale in the winter
Nationality: A mix of Scotch, Irish, German, African and Native American (i.e. a mutt)
Marital Status: Married
Significant Others: My wife Jenifer, my children Ellis and Andy, my step-daughter Stephanie and my step granddaughter Artemis.
Religion: Similar to Wicca, but not quite as formal
Current location: Greensboro, North Carolina
Home Town/State: Pekin, Indiana (small town, around 2,000 total population. Site of the world's oldest continuous Fourth of July celebration.)
Interests/Hobbies: Reading, writing fiction and poetry, hiking, cycling, listening to classical and jazz music, fishing (fresh water and salt), and I play several instruments, including the pan flute (although I'm not very good at the pan flute). I basically enjoy a challenge, and experiencing life to the fullest extent possible.
Pet Peeves: Stupid people, or people who aren't really stupid but are too mired in their narrow perception of the world to admit they are mistaken.
Quote: "To travel the paths of human imagination you have to be willing to unlearn all you know and look at the world with the wonder-filled eyes of a child"
The perfect evening: This would be a rainy, slightly chilly night. It would be spent with a loved one, sharing a candlelight dinner together, cuddling on the sofa under a blanket and sipping hot honeyed tea together. It would be spent talking, and being romantic with the person I love.
The perfect girl: This person would have to be someone who could understand my complex personality (not an easy task). She has to be intelligent, well bred, quick-witted, and interested in always pushing the envelope of human experience.
Favorite body part: Eyes...they draw me like no other thing can.

More about myself:  I'm the ordinary person that you see every day and never really notice. I don't stand out in the crowd, and don't consider myself 'handsome' in the typical sense, although I have been told I have a type of 'roguish good looks'. I've also been told my smile is the best thing about me, but it is rarely seen. A smile, when it is seen is special, as I rarely smile at anything.

I'm a bit of a free spirit, a trickster, a flirt, a joker who often has people playing as unwitting foils in an ever changing game called life. Hence the name choice of Amadan. This is a part of me I often show to female friends, but less often to male ones...it is far less common in real life than it is one the Internet. I am an incorrigible flirt, although I don't flirt as outrageously as I once did. It is very easy for a female to know I am attracted to her.

I have a serious side, and most people who only casually know me only see this side in person. I often get into very complex philosophical or scientific debates with others. I have a thirst for knowledge and experience, and will often go to great lengths to obtain them. Of course, even my playful side sometimes takes a hand in the aforementioned debates, often I change positions in the middle of the debate to the dismay of all...I make it a point however to look at everything from all sides of the issue.

I have a very strong dark side, one that influences me all the time. My poetry often expresses the darkness that lives in the heart of every person, and I have traveled most of the paths those dark desires take you at one time or another. Often, people are wary of the sights of my darkness lying in my eyes, and some people find my manner uncomfortable.

I am very uncomfortable in crowds, as I always feel a sense of alienation in such situations. I am very good with single people or small groups, often moving to a position of leadership or attention, but in crowds, I often find myself being pushed away...at least in feeling.

I'm a bit of a conservative, and value family and friends highly. I strongly cherish the concepts of a monogamous relationship, but understand the need for friends of the opposite sex. I am slow to anger, and even slower to forgive, but I have never found an act I have not been able to forgive eventually.

The focal point of my life right now is my son, Ellis. He is 4 years old, and a real challenge to manage. He is already facinated with my computer, and I do not doubt he will trying to get on line before long. He is named after my maternal grandfather, who was the inspiration and guiding force in my life. In my son, his spirit lives again, and I hope I can provide him the same wisdom my grandfather provided to me.

Overall, I am an enigma, a complex personality that only becomes more so as you explore deeper into my motivations and desires. I believe in the potential of the human spirit, and the capacity to rise above the mundane to true creative beauty. The paths of human imagination are my road, and with that path nothing is beyond my reach...no goal is beyond my limits to achieve.

Email: a_mythago@hotmail.com

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