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The Latest News

Nov. 10, 1998

Darvos Joins Guild!

Darvos has joined our ranks today. He is a future warrior and certainly has the will and ability to suceed. His ICQ is 270035. We feel as if he will become a valuable member of the guild. Please make him feel welcome.

Oct. 31, 1998

Happy Halloween

I want to wish everyone in the guild a happy Halloween, aloso I urge you if it is ever possible to go play the Abyss server, it's a lot of fun. For the short time it was up, I was out terrorizing the countryside as a lich. Just give it a try I think you'll enjoy it.

Mazrim and Baldarov Join Guild!

Two new members have joined our fight against tyranny. One is Mazrim, a longtime friend of Darius, his help will be a valued addition to our ranks. His ICQ is 17542056. The other is Baldarov, Baldarov is a good friend of Aerith. he is in training now, but he will one day become a most worthwile aquisition. He can be reached at ICQ 19127721. Please make these members feel welcome.

Member suffering from identity crisis!

The member formally known as Raistlin Majere and A'es Sedai has gone over another name change, this should be permanent. His new name is Talan Runesword.

Oct. 26, 1998

Journey Into New Lands

I started my journey into the new lands today. I spent a lot of time running and trying to stay alive with all the monsters and such but I did manage to take a few shots and I'll add more later. Click here to view my journies.

Oct. 23, 1998

Braveheart Joins Guild!

Braveheart joined with us today to help fight for our cause. He should prove to be a most usefull ally. His ICQ is 7157937. Please make him feel welcome.

Oct. 22, 1998

First Meeting Set!

This Sunday at 8:00 PM EST we will hold our first meeting at the Britain Theater. I hope everyone can make it, if you cannot please ICQ me so I know. I might need soemone to take notes (or Ill do it myself) so I can put up meeting notes on the page. We have plenty of issues to discuss, and if you have any others plaes feel free to tell everyone at the meeting. Thanks.

Oct. 18, 1998

Order of The Crescent Moon Official!

Today we finally became an official guild of Britannia with the purchase of a guildstone. Those who are not added contact me as soon as possible so we can get you added on. Tis a great day!

Aerith Joins Guild!

Aerith joined up with the guild today. She is a mid-leveler right now but shows great potential in becoming a strong character. Her ICQ number is 19207319. Please make her feel welcome. Welcome to the guild Aerith!

Oct. 17, 1998

A Small Victory!

Perhaps this is not that big of a deal, but I won a scavenger hunt tonight and won 1100 gold and a Kite Sheild. I gave the Kite Sheild to Jeremy The Wise and the gold went to the guild treasury which now stands at 9910. like I said its not much, but not bad for a guild just starting out. Goal is to have a stone by tommorow night.

Oct. 16, 1998

Raistlin Majere Joins Guild!

Raistlin Majere joined the guild today. He is an up and coming mage and I feel as if he will become a great addition to our forces. He can be contacted via ICQ at 2995477. Please make him feel welcome.

Oct. 11, 1998

MienMiner Joins Guild
MienMiner has become the third member of our guild today. I talked with him at length and I feel he will be a valuable addition to our guild. Please make him feel welcome. His ICQ is 14236590.

Oct. 10, 1998

Guild Changes Name

We have changed our name to the Order of The Crescent Moon. We feel as if this is a better name so we will use it. Unfortunately the homepage URL will have to remain the same.

Oct. 9, 1998

Darius Joins Guild

One of the true legends of Britannia has become one of the founding members of the Order of the Crescent Moon. Darius is a long time Britannian native, who know much about what it takes to be an effective leader, fighter, and person. Without a doubt, the addition to Darius to our ranks will allow us to acheive our goals in a more timely manner. His ICQ number is 3677704. Once again, Darius, glad to have you on board.
