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Greetings, friends! You have reached m@tt.perry's homepage. While other pages promise merely funny things about the webmaster, this is a page with a purpose. Isn't that what everyone is looking for --- something with purpose? Something to live for? Something of meaning and with value?

Who is m@tt.perry?

Consider me (I'm m@tt.perry) your friend --- someone you can talk to. I will not presume anything nor be judgmental. However, as your friend, I will do my best to help direct you in the right path ("right" being a better alternative than the one you're presently on). That's what friends do -- they help each other in time of need and party when times are good.

Where ya from, m@tt.perry?

I live in Kentucky in a small town called Cox's Creek-- near Bardstown. I work with teenagers full-time helping guide them down the path called "Life." But just because I work with teenagers doesn't mean that I only talk with them. I find that all of us are looking for something meaningful in our lives. I am here to help you find that meaning --- that purpose.

Where Do I Find Ya?

Now, if I didn't tell you that, then finding me on the Internet would be a large (but doable) task. Let me make it easier for you.
AOL Instant Messenger is 'tuned4praise' and MSN Messenger Service: 'earthenvessel47'.

My E-mail address is:

My Online ministry is found at:

I even have a FREE GIFT just for you!
Hey, everyone! Check out where I went to school!

Palm Beach Atlantic College, Class of 1994!
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Class of 1997!