This page includes my family of adopted fairies, dragons, and unicorns from various sites. Each adoption certificate is a link to their site.First is my adoption of a dragon and a fairy from Mythical Beasties.The dragon is Thorason and the fairy is Lillith.

These are the two adorable unicorns that I adopted from "Rainbow Valley".The one on the left is a Guardian and her name is Trinket. The one on the right is a Va'Lin Corn and her name is Selena.

This is a cute little fairy named Tabitha that I got from Lady Hipoos Fairy adoption center.

This is Samantha. She was adopted from The Realm of the Fairies at The Site Fights.

This is my love fairy. She is here, not just for Valentines but to wish love and happiness on everyone that passes by. Her name is Heather. She was adopted from Meg's Fairy Forest.

This is my fairy of the month. I chose the month of July because I love the 4th of July and all the beautiful fireworks. I got mine from Fairies Of The Month by Angel.

The Vale of Lavendise Next Fairy

This Fairy Ring site is owned by Tabitha "Fairy Dust" .

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