Live and Let Die!
Live and Let Die!!!
Cori Nadine (seen above) has NEVER been to this website. Feel special!

Stuff to See Here

Click here to find out just what the hell happened to all the stuff that was on this page
Devoted to my fraternity, Acacia
A little news on music and GWAR, thanks to the folks at Petrified Weasel (Nov/Dec)
A few reviews on movies, again done by Petrified Weasel (Nov/Dec)
A message for those of you who wish to get roms
Ways I can serve YOU
Friends of mine and what they've done to become so
Some jerks I'd like to meet in a dark alley, baseball bat in my hand...

If you wanna see little Lisa's WET PUSSY, click HERE!!!

A little bit about the author, the farmer's sheep, and the pit...

NOTICE: This page is in no way, shape, form, or idea affiliated with

My Favorite Links

If you'd like to see these placed on their own page, thus freeing up clutter, drop me a line!

[TMH Online]
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
KillCity - My friend's homepage
FractalCow - A nice site for all the weirdness America has to offer
University of Central Florida, my school
My friend Travis' site. It's bad, and I shouldn't have a link, but I promissed, so...
A site that belongs to my bro's friend. Picaso, All Things Scottish, and More!!!
A site dedicated to the Long Red Row and CAPOEIRA
NOTICE II: I will not be held responsible for you clicking on any of these sites, especially Travis'. I you are offended by anything they say, tell them. What can I really do about it?!!?

Special thanks to Tyson, without whom only half of this could have been possible. To all my brothers in the VS. To Acacia, where would I be without you? To Jeremiah, for harassment over the last 6 years. To the Long Red Row... hey ho, let's go! And most especially to mom and dad, thanks for all you've done. See ya 'round, my friends: Andy

WARNING: This site's author prone to random flatulant expelling! Consume air at your own risk!

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