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The M.I. Elites are an military intelligence special ops team that work for the United States government. They were sent out on a mission to obliterate all resistance in the quake world. "Destroy all and anything that gets in your way," said there commanding officer."Yes sir." Said the team. They started in the mysterious jungle of Cyberia. All their equipment was packed and ready to be used in battle. "Listen up soldiers," commanded squad leader James Rico,"we are on a mission. You will destroy everything that you encounter, you will kill anything that is not one of the people you know and see here today. Understood?" "Yes sir," says the team."Good, now lets get the heck out of here. Move out." The team makes there way through the jungle destroying everything and killing every body that they've never seen before. With there rocket launchers they seemed invincible to the enemy. They blew up all of there enemies equipment as well as the enemy themselves. Blood and guts were all over the walls with heads rolling back and forth on the floor. Body parts were scattered all over the place for as far as the eye can see. When they reached the end of the jungle, they came up to a gigantic building. This elite team entered the building to find a whole army of filthy scum. They startled the enemy. The next thing you know, they started hearing the cocking of the enemies guns as they loaded there weapons. "Lets lock and load." Said the squad leader. The team started to kill all of the enemy but there were people injured. When the enemy was killed, there was only one person that was left alive. This person realized that his squad leader and his partners were dead. The only one that survived was private David J. Krupa. He went back to his base to give his commanding officer a mission report. Many years have passed since what had just happened. Private Krupa got the name lightnessofday over the years because he attacks his enemies with special skills during the day and leaves a note next to the piled up bodies that says: People say that the light is the fire that burns within a person's eyes. Beware if your going to mess with me, because the fire in my eyes will light up your day. Now he is at the top of the rank as a 5 Star Elite Command Master. He is the leader now and he has a new mission. Now he needs YOUR help.......

Click on this link for now to go to my application page, fill out the application, and hit send.

1. Private
2. Squad Leader
3. Captain
4. Major
5. Corpral
6. Admiral
7. General
8. 1 Star General
9. 2 Star General
10. 3 Star General
11. 4 Star General
12. Elite
13. 1 Star Elite
14. 2 Star Elite Commando
15. 3 Star Elite Commander
16. 4 Star Elite Grand Master
17. 5 Star Elite Command Master
lightnessofdayofday-Creator of the clan
ShotgunPELLET-Webpage helper and tryout manager
DarknessofNight-Webpage helper
To use these codes, press '~' while playing to call up the console, then type the desired code.
GOD Invincibility toggled on or off.
FLY Toggles flight
GIVE S# Gain # shells
GIVE H# Gain # health
GIVE N# Gain # nails
GIVE R# Gain # rockets
GIVE C# Gain # cells
GIVE # Get weapon #
KILL Commit suicide
NOCLIP Go through walls.
NOTARGET Monsters won't attack you unless provoked.
MAP ExMy Warp to episode X, mission Y
SKILL # Sets difficulty level (# = 0-3)
IMPULSE 9 All weapons
IMPULSE 11 Display runes (you don't actually get them)
IMPULSE 255 Quad Damage!!!!
SV_GRAVITY -50 Reduces gravity by 50%. Replace "-50" with any number.
Hint: To make these codes easier to enter you can bind them to a single key. To do so, enter the console and type bind (any key) "cheat". For example, to bind < the cheat for all weapons to the backslash (\), type: bind \ "impulse 9"
After that, every time you want to get all keys, guns, and ammo, just hit the \ key, and you've got it.
Console Commands
To enter these codes, press the Console button (~) and type these codes at the prompt. I believe the numbers are default values, but the submitter wasn't clear on this.
SV_NOSTEP, 0, You cant climb stairs
SV_IDEALSTEPSCALE, 0,8, Sets how much you pitch when you walk in stairs
SV_AIM, 0,93, ?
SV_STOPSPEED, 100, The time it takes to stop
SV_FRICTION, 4, Sets friction
SV_GRAVITY, 800, Sets gravity (Great for jumping :-) )
SV_MAXSPEED, 320, Limits player maxspeed
CL_ROLLANGLE, 2.0 Sets how much you roll when strafing (10 Feels COOL)
CL_TICRATE, 0,03, ?
CL_YAWSPEED, 140, Sets yaw speed
CL_UPSPEED, 200, Sets upbutton speed (Thats also great for jumping :-) )
CL_PITCHSPEED, 100, Viewpitch buttons speed
CL_ANGLESPEEDKEY, 1,5, Sets yaw speed
CL_FORWARDSPEED, 320, Your own speed
CL_BACKSPEED, 320, Same but backwards
CL_SIDESPEED, 320, Strifing speed
BIND, Sets game keys
QUIT, Exits the game
ENTITIES, Shows map info ?
IMPULSE(1-9), Changes weapon
POINTFILE !Hangs my computer!
SIZEDOWN, Same as - in play ( Can at some times make a weird zoom )
SIZEUP, Same as + in play ( when using parameters )
CONNECT, Connects to server
DISCONNECT, Disconnects from server
FOV, ?
GAMMA, ?, Sets gamma correction
HOSTNAME, Sets your hostname
NAME, Sets your name
LOOKSPRING, Makes your "freelook" button auto-center
BF, ?
NUMCHANNELS, Sets number of sound channels to mix
MESSAGEMODE, Starts messagemode ?
SAY, Sends message
SOUNDINFO, Shows soundinfo
SBINFO, Shows info about Sound Blasters
SLIST, Shows a list of available servers
SIMSOUND, Isolates hardware problems on soundcard
SSPEED, Sets play speed
SBITS, Sets bits 8 or 16
SMONO, Plays all sounds in MONO
PLAY, Plays sound at 100% volume
PLAYVOL, Plays sound at specified volume
SOUNDLIST, Shows all loaded sounds
SAVESND, Saves sound as RAW file Ex: savesnd american/gib.wav
NOSOUND, Set to 1 and no sounds will be loaded
DECIMATE_SFX, Set to 1 and all sounds will be played at lowest possible sound rate
DECIMATE_SFX_SPEED, Sets the value DECIMATE_SFX will lower sound rate
DECIMATE_SFX_WIDTH, Set to 1 and all sounds will be playes as 8 bit sounds
DMASIZE, Sets DMA buffer size (2048,4096,8192,16384,32768 and 65536)
VID_DESCRIBECURRENTMODE, Lists the description for the current video mode
VID_DESCRIBEMODE, Lists the description for the specified video mode
VID_DESCRIBEMODES, Lists descriptions for all available video modes
VID_MODE, Sets the display to the specified mode
VID_NUMMODES, Reports the total number of modes available
VID_TESTMODE, Tries a video mode for five seconds
VID_WAIT, 0: no wait 1: wait for vertical sync 2: wait for display enable
R_SPEEDS, Displays drawing speeds
R_DRAWFLAT, Draw view as flat-colored polygons or texture-mapped polygons
R_CLEARCOLOR, Change color of dead space outside a map
HOST_SPEEDS, Displays host speeds
COLOR xx, Sets your color in the game to xx
FRAGLIMIT, 20, Sets the amount of frags that will end the game
TIMELIMIT, Sets the amount of time the game will last before quitting
TEAMPLAY, 0, Sets teamplay
PAUSABLE, 0, Sets whether the game will be pausable or not
HOST_FRAMERATE, Changes the speed of the game (0 - 0.1)
CLEAR, Clears the console buffer
CROSSHAIR, 1, on-screen crosshairs (great for targetting)
EXEC, Executes a configuration file
SCR_CONSPEED, Sets the consoles scrollspeed
SCR_OFSZ, 0, Your view goes higer or lower
R_WAVE, 0, Makes everything wavy
R_EDGECOUNT, 0, Counts map things in current view
R_ALIASSTATS, 0, Shows amount of aliases on screen
R_SHOWPOLYS, 0, Shows polys - lines are drawn around "linedefs"
R_DSPEEDS 0, Shows unknown info
R_FULLBRIGHT, 0, Makes everything bright (Great for dark screens)
Hidden Pictures
The Crypt of Decay: To find the "Dopefish," when you see the exit, turn back go onto the bridge. You should see a quad power-up on a ledge. When you get on the ledge, you will see an extremly small ledge that you can barely walk on. At the end, you can jump into "The Well of Wishes." The Dopefish will be there. The Underearth To find the weird picture, find all the faces on the walls and shoot each once. You will know which ones you shot because blood will come out only the first time. When you shoot all of them, look for a hallway with a short opening and a villain on each side. One of them will open to a small room with a picture in it.
Nightmare Mode
Go to the episode 4 entrance and enter the water. Now backup against the wall as if trying to go back the other way. Stay there until you fall again. You should land on a big piece of wood. Walk along the side to find another entrance that leads to the Nightmare gate.
If you look carefully you'll find four runes hidden in the world of Quake. Here's what they do:
Elder Magic: Provides you with 150-250 points of energy and 150 armor.
Black Magic: Your attacks do 3x normal damage.
Hell Magic: Reduces ammo usage.
Earth Magic: Protects you from most damage, but won't save you from quad attacks.
Secret Level
To find The Underearth level you must be in The Crypt of Decay. When you see the exit, go straight back. You should be in a room with boxes and a button on the ceiling. Shoot the button, then jump on the boxes into the secret room. Push the button, then go to the hidden "Well of Wishes." Now look around the walls and a wall will open for you. When you get out, there will be a underwater doorway that leads to the secret level.
To use these codes, press '~' while playing to call up the console, then type in the desired code.
Give all - Receive all ammo, specials(X is the variable. Type the number of the amount of ammo you want.)
Give rocketlauncher - Receive Rocket Launcher No target - Enemies do not see you No clip - Walk through walls
Give rockets x - X=Received Rockets
Give grenadelauncher - Receive Grenade Launcher
Give grenades x - X=Received Grenades
Give shotgun - Receive Shotgun
Give shells x - X=Received shells
Give machinegun - Receive Machinegun
Give bullets x - Receive X bullets God - Become Invulnerable
Give health - Health Give weapons - All Weapons
Give jacket armor - Receive Jacket Armor
Give ammo - All Ammo Give armor - Body Armor
Give body armor - Body Armor God - God Mode
Give blaster - Receive Blaster
Give super shotgun - Receive Super Shotgun
Give Chaingun - Receive Chaingun
Give railgun - Receive Railgun
Give bfg10k - Receive BFG10k
Give cells x - Receive x cells
Give slugs x - Recive x slugs
Give quad damage - Receive Quad Damage
Give invulnerability - Receive invulnerability
Give give silencer - Receive Silencer
Give rebreather - Receive Rebreather
Give environment suit - Receive Environment Suit
Give ancient head - Receive Ancient Head
Give adrenaline - Receive Adrenaline Give bandolier - Receive Bandolier Give ammo pack - Receive Ammo Pack
Give data cd - Receive Data CD Give power cube - Receive Power Cube Give pyramid key - Receive Pyramid Key
Give data spinner - Receive Data Spinner Give airstrike marker - Receive AirStrike Marker
Give blue key - Receive Blue Key
Give red key - Receive Red Key
Give security pass - Receive Security Pass
Give commander's head - Receive Commander's Head
Give power shield - Receive Power Shield
Give armor shield - Receive Armor Shield
Give combat armor - Receive Combat Armor
This site is still under construction. I will update this page frequently when I have completed it.

My Favorite Links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Ryan's Quake and Diablo page-My friends really cool Quake, Diablo, and NME homepage.
SA Squadron-My friends x-wing vs. tie-fighter clan homepage.
Learn To Be!!!-My mom's genealogy homepage
Heat-Free internet gameing place.
Dark Dreams Clan-This is a really cool clan and homepage you should visit it sometime.
