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Hi there, and welcome to my page. I hope that you enjoy your stay. Please be sure to check out this site in it's intirety. I think you will enjoy!!!!

I want to tell you a little about me, and some of the things I stand for. My real name is Amanda Grace Bleau, and I am 18 years old. I am a SENIOR in high school. My mom and dad, Rhonda and Tim,are very supportive. They stand behind me, and all that I believe in. They stand behind me in school, and in the band, where I play flute and piccolo, and where I am also an athletic Trainer. I make real good grades (I am not bragging I do) and enjoying going. I have some great teachers there.

I have been saved for 7 years. It has been the best time of my life. I was not always raised in a Christian home, just in the last 7 years,although my wonderful grandma, Virgina Warner, made sure I was in church every sunday from the time I was 7 till my parents got right with the Lord. I attend a wonderful church, New Testment Baptist.. . The youth group is great! I have learned so much. The teens in the youth group know you can have fun, and still be a Christian. It is a wonderful thing. We have one of the best pastors in the world, Pastor Frank Par-Due. Right now we are going through the book of Nehemia in the morning and a family home improvement class at night. Our youth leaders are awesome, and really care about each and every one of us.

I belong to the greatest organization in the world, the North Marion High School Band. I have had the best band director in the world, MR. "C" and he is a teacher and a friend to all.Sadly, Mr. "C" is not be with us for the 2000-2001 school year because he is retiring. He will be greatly and sorely missed.This year, Mr. Couse is our band director, and he has high expectations. He is doing a great job! Being a part of the band, something larger then ones self, teacehs self disipline from behavior to grades. You must have good grades and behavior to be a part fo the band. And you need a good attitude!!!This year, I am first chair in the Flutes.I am also playing the piccolo. The band is so fun, and you make music while you do it.

A little about me. I have brown hair and big brown eyes (which I hate because they are terrible at hiding my emotions, but they say the eyes are the door to the heart. ) I am 5'2" and 125 lbs.I have freckles across my nose (Everyone ask if that is what they are, so I thought I would tell you) I like to wear jeans and tee shirts, and in the summer I like to wear shorts, and I don’t mind wearing dresses. I usually keep my hair long, but this year I have been playing around with it, and have cut it short. But, I have decided to grow it back.

I have a really great boyfriend. His name is Billy, and we have been going out for almost 3 months (we started dating on November 07, 2000). He is a great guy....words just can not describe him! Knowing him is loving him, ask anyone. He has a great personality, is super funny and really athletic (he is always putting me to shame!!). He has brought so much fun and laughter into my life. Here is a picture of the two of us!! I LOVE YOU BABE!

I have some really great friends out there. My best friend in the whole entire world is Laura Murray. She is a total sweetheart. Although I have only known her three years, she has become someone I can not live without. She is in the band with me. We are "Forever Friends." She has blonde hair and big blue/green eyes. You will soon be able to see a picture of us on my new picture page! Then there is Sabrina Noble. We have been friends since the second grade. We know each other like a book. She is someone that I tell a lot to.There is Silas, who even though I have known him like my whole life it seems, just this year we have gotten close. Bret is a little Freshman whom I have kinds taken under my wing, and he is such a cuttie pie (for a kid). Then there is the soccer team. They are just a great group of guys on a whole, and I wish all the guys in the world could be like them (okay, like most of them....we do have our share of jerks!. Then there is Ryan and Joe. They are two of my greatest guy friends. They are both gradutated, and I miss them bunches and bunches! They always knew how to make me laugh (or CRY!), but they will always hold a special place in my heart. At church, there is Kayla. She is the GREATEST! I am a lot of ways, we are a like. Then there is Angie and Erin! They are really sweet! They are like little sisters to me, and sometimes, I think I treat them like that! The guys in my group are Scott, David, Luke and Yannick. There is also Travis, David B, Dennis, but they are all better friends with Angie and Erin. All my Friends are great, and I love them all.

As anyone who has ever been at my site before can tell you, I have undergone some MAJOR constructions.I am a MAJOR Winnie-the-Pooh fan, especially Piglet, Tigger, and Roo.Laura's Favorite is Tigger! So a lot is Piglet and Tigger. My page has been changed to show that. This has happened to ALL my pages! Don't let the welcome sign scare you, this is no "small" page, although it is not as big as I like! Please take some time and look around!!!

This page was last updated on January 22, 2001.

I think that is about all about me. If you have any other questions, please feel free to email me. I have AOL IM (MGK16). Feel free to talk to me anytime!

The song on this page is called "Mandy" and thanks for it goes out to Rob!!

Thanks Mom, for helping me out with this!!!


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2 Timothy 3:16

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