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Animated Gif! If you
	don't see it...get a new browser

Hey Guys! I hope you're doing fine. As I promissed you, here it goes something special for you all... This web site is for you never forget our friendship, and that I love you...

I hope you enjoy surfing through my web page. I promisse I'll include more pictures and other stuff as soon I'm able to. You can help me... send me whatever you think would be cool on the HP.

Keep your eyes in the countdown! It shows how many days are left untill my visit to US. Cool huh?


cool pictures

Julian and Ryan in a classic picture

Disney World! That was really fun! We gotta do it again.

Ryan: Take a look at the little girl at the right bottom... Is she impressed with our sex-appeal or what?

Hey Becky! Do you want a copy 
		of this picture? Just click over here with the right button
	 	of your mouse and choose Save as... Yeah! Disney World again! Aren't you feeling nostalgia?
Becky, Chad, Julian, 
 		Kyle, and Sergio Lunch time was fun, but Kyle seems bored... Is it the food's side effect or the lack of food?
I'm cool ain't I? Caught at the party!

You are my visitor number:

My darn counter is broken again!

Stay tune for cool updates on this site!

Don't forget to reload this page each time you come

Last update: October 10th, 1997

(c) Copyright 1997 Julian Produções