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Killian PTSA Executive Board Meeting

Minutes 1/19/00

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M.

Ellen Bernstein read the treasurer’s report.

Committee Reports

Membership: almosst 600 members have become PTSA members, including a large increase of teachers this year over the past.

BookFair: a list of books will be given to the English teachers in June from Downtown Book Center to help them chose books they may be less expensive.

Hospitality: We will set up a table at the curriculum fair with coffee and baked goods.

Volunteers: Gina Harvey Read reported that we have made our 2400 goal for the School Improvement plan. Please continue to report your hours.

Community Relations: Lucy Margolis reported that the FCAT book order by EESAC was taking to long to be approved so the order was cancelled. Block/flex scheduling is being discussed by the school board. It is not a mandate. District strongly recommends the use of block/flex scheduling.

The 2000-2001 calendar was discussed. It was noted that early release dates are not marked on it.

The basket ball courts behind the school are being considered by the EESAC committee on closed lunches, to be used to construct a domed area for students. Lunches must be 100% closed by the school year 2004.

Lisa brought up a request she had made to Mr. Dawson for signs in the parking lot that say "buckle UP" . It was noted to write a letter.

Old Business:

Curriculum Fair: The fair will be geared towards incoming 9th graders. It will be in the media center Feb. 9. Lisa asked that everyone come to greet future parents.

Articulation: Killian PTSA set up meetings with several feeder middle schools. The purpose was to go to their PTA meetings to answer questions for future parents. Dr. Algaze , Lisa Reichert and Mr. Dawson visited Glades, Southwood, Palmetto Jr.

Malcolm spoke about good scoring on FCAT. He said the PTSA ad supporting FCAT will be in the Feb. school paper.

New Business:

Lucy Margolis was in Washington DC last December to accept the Sieman’s Award for our school. The top 10 schools in the nation won this award for receiving high AP scores from their students. It was suggested that we look into why this excellent news about Killian has not been announced in the Miami Herald yet.

JV basketball team had their uniforms stolen during winter break. Cathy Newman moved and 2nd by Ellen Bernstein that the PTA donate $250 towards new uniforms. Discussion was held. A donation of $1500 was already made by a Broward county individual, but 2 sets of uniforms will be at least $2500. It was also suggested that the JV team do additional fundraising. Motion passed to donate $250 towards new JV uniforms if they run short of the necessary funding.

Lisa asked if we could have a re-allocation of funds to pay for the Teacher of the year luncheon. No motion was brought up.

Lucy Margolis is our Volunteer of the Year. She requested that we not use the funds allocated for the luncheon, but instead have a small lunch at someones house. A short discussion was held.

Mr. DOnaldson from the Intergeneration Committe spoke regarding a Feb. 8 program the Trust counselor is presenting at the school. Middle school students were invited to come to the program concerning conflict resolution.

The graduation date for Killian has not been set. It will be either June 14 or 15.

Dr. Algaze spoke regarding the FCAT testing on Feb. 14-16

Mrs. Hart, the CAP counselor, spoke regarding student loans for college.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:30.

Respectivlly submitted

Wendy Rudman

Acting Recording Secretary