Justin Randall Timberlake :)

Full Name: Justin Randall Timberlake

Birthday: January 31, 1981

Nicknames: Bounce, Curly, Baby,
Mr. Smooth, Biggins

Fave color: baby blue

Height: 6 ft.

Hobbies: playing basketball

Before 'N Sync: MMC with JC

Fave singers/groups: Brian McKnight,
Boyz II Men, Blackstreet
Jay-Z, Busta Rhimes, Eminem

Fave teams: Orlando Magic, UNC,
and Tennessee Titans

Fave Word: crunk

Describes himself as: charismatic
and charming

Worst habit: burping, and clearing
his throat often

Fave undies: I believe he's a boxer boy.
How else could his junk be
flappin around so much in the
Disney Concert?

Things he hates: moody and fake people
(which baffles me b/c he's a
self-proclamed moody person, and he's
banging the fakest person on earth.
Anyone else see the irony?

Biggest turnoff: smoking girls

Craziest thing he's done: Bungy jumped

Admires: Michael Jordan and his mom

Some of our favorite quotes

"We're single and ready to mingle,
right Joey?"

"Dude, okay!!"

"Oh yeah, Ya like that, don't ya?!"

"Ahhhh, group hug, group hug."

"It's a SLAMMIN' song!"

"We're not using it as a marketing gimick."

"I'm gettin' jiggy baby."

"I'm like, Huh?"


"It's Danger, no it's Randall."

"Joey takes all the chicks."

"Joey bought this jacket that looks
like a hydrogen peroxide Chewbacca!"

"Don't take it all genius!"

"We're killing our brain cells."

"This song ("God Must...") relates to
me because I'm a very spiritual person."

"Don't go nowhere, okay? Cuz I said so!"
Someone should REALLY teach
this boy some proper English!!

"I told her Montel!"

"I play basketball. That's what I do man!!
I'm too young to go clubbin!!"

"Get on da bus!"

"She was talkin' about my man's dreads."

"He (Joey) showers in
his swimming trunks."

"We didn't want to be the next anybody,
we wanted to be the first 'N Sync."

"I totally understand that saying
that women are from Venus
and men are from Mars. I totally
understand that. I think that
women don't think that guys are
as romantic as they are.Women are
always seen as softer than guys,
but in some cases we're a
lot softer than they are."

"I just kinda take my hand
through my hair and go *ruffles hair*
like that, and then my hair's ready
cause it's just nothin' but afro."

"I think the AMA was the biggest
gratification that anybody could
have given us. And that
was voted on by the fans!"

When asked how he learned to dance:
"Watching MTV!"

"Chris is the biggest prankster.
And JC is the easiest one to
pull a prank on. JC falls
for everything. So there is
a lot of Chris pulling pranks on JC
as you might suspect."

"Love Line was fun. I kind of
shut up because I didn't want to
get in anybody's business. I personally
think it should be called Sex Line,
not Love Line, lots of those
scenarios don't have anything to
do with love."
I totally agree with ya Justin!!

"I'm a big fine woman,
gonna back my thang up."

This is my all time favorite quote!!
It was taken from a radio interview,
and I'm trying to find a way
to post the real audio on our page.
Anyway, one of the dj's asked
if they needed all the body guards
to protect them from the Backstreet
Boys, Justin responds,
"Man, we wouldn't need no
bodyguards for them!"
Woohoo!! GO JUSTIN!!!!!!

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Email: newgirl_98@yahoo.com