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Just Us Boys

Hi All,We are Identical Twins and we are 10 years old. Our names are Robert and John.We live in a small town in Florida.We are in the Fourth grade.We have a big sister(Rebecca) who is 14 years old.We like some of the same things and some different things.We like to go diving at the pool,riding our bikes,catching tree frogs,toads,and lizzards,doing our sticker page on the computer,roller bladding,and lots more. We where on the dive team this summer and we loved it,can't wait until next summer to be on the team again.We stay very busy!! We like playing on our play station and our gameboys.We want a new play station 2! We love Disney World,especially the Buzzlightyear ride and Rock"N"Roller Coaster,and Star Wars ride.We both dislike The Bug's Life Show.We don't like it when the stink bug smells up the place and when the bee stings you in the back. We would like to hear from everyone that stops by our page,so send us an e-mail.Okay.Thanks for stopping bye and Hope you like our page.It's our first one!! Robert and John Last updated: 12/01/03

Just Some Stuff We Like To Do!!

Our Favorite Web Pages

Kid City Sticker World
Robert's Sticker Page
John's Sticker Page
Brit's Blues Clues Puppy Page
Ty Beanies Homepage
Disney World Home Page
Pokemon Page
Nickelodeon Website
Kids Connection
Zachery's Room
Twins Magagzine
Nasa Kids Website
Alycia's Going Wild with Jeff Crowin
Our Mom's Website
Our Big Sister's Page
Our Dad's Webpage
Kidscom A Place to for kids to Chat and do other fun things
