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*An angel without freckles is like the heavens without stars.
*The angels light another star Each time there is a birth To celebrate each precious child The good Lord sends to earth.
*The angels gazed upon us And smiled with abundant joy As God so tenderly gave to us . . .Our little baby boy.
*The angels from above, looked down and joy unfurled As God so tenderly gave to us our little baby girl.
*Guardian Angels never take vacations
*An angels gift is a gift of hope Like snowflakes, No two angels are alike.
* Simple moments are extraordinary . . . simple angels are divine.
* A kind soul is inspired by angels
*The song of a robin is an angels voice in the garden
*Angels are the light that illuminates our souls divinity.
* Angels help us visualize our dreams and then find ways to help make them come true
*Carve quiet spaces in your life and in the silence you will hear the angels.
*Angels, like friends, have open arms and seek our love
*Anyone who helps you grow is an angel to you
*If you've ever felt love, then you most certainly have been touched by an angel
*Angels lend us their wings so that we may find our way home
*If you share a smile, you have also shared an angels love
*Angels know that if you smile it is infectious
*In the stillness of the night . . . listen for an angel Angels are always there to listen - have you shared your innermost thoughts today ?
*Angels are the guardians of our souls
*Angels help free us from the web of negativity
*Our guardian angels are our companions for life
*Our life is a window through which angels appear
*When we invite an angel into our inner sanctuary, we create a home for love
*Angels help us spread our wings and fly
*Happy is the heart that believes in angels
*Guardian angels work on a wing and a prayer
*My guardian has a tough job
*Angels carry messages of love.
*Miracles happen to those who believe in angels
*Angels are like intuition . . . they gleam their fiery embers within our souls
*Angels visit us on earth to remind us that we have a celestial beginning
*Angels remind us that we are loved as well as needed by this world
*Angels are the love that overcome hatred
*Angels, like friends, have open arms and seek our love
*If you walk in love, you walk with angels
*An angel assures us that we can discover universal truths
*If you ask, an angel appears
*Angels Have Wings to Carry Your Prayers to God When Prayers Go Up - Blessings Come Done
*Lights Fade Stars Appear and all the Angels Gather Here
*Wherever you go, Whatever you do, May the Angels watch over you.
*Little Angels up above, Bless our home with Lots of Love.
*An angel in the house they say, will guard your family night and day
*Sun shines, birds sing, garden angels flowers bring
*Love is how you earn your wings
*Grandmothers are angels in training
*Angel sent from up above, please protect the ones I love
*This angel made me think of you And all the thoughtful things you do.
*On my wall for all to see, my guardian angel watches over me.
*When you desire fragrance, an angel is a flower. When you desire music, an angel is a songbird.
*An angel's love, like a quiet summer day, is as uncomplicated as breathing in and out.
*Angels know that when we infuse our soul with the beauty of life, we will realize our dreams.
*Angels are the spirit that permeates the universe and lives within us. We seek oneness.
*Angels see the smallest and simplest of things as a reason to celebrate, and do so by radiating their joy.
*Windchimes in your yard will serenade garden creatures - squirrels, fairies and angels.
* Angels help us decipher the mysteries in life by encouraging us to share our insights with them.
*Angels offer us their hearts and souls; we must respond by offering ours in return.
*Angels give us faith to wait for mysteries to be revealed.
*Angels are vigilant and wait for openings to enter our consciousness.
* A company of angels follows us wherever we go. They share everything with us - our happiest hours and deepest sorrow.
*Angels, before they dance over the seas and on the wind, always offer to carry us with them.
*Where you may see a fading bloom, an angels notice the flower budding.
* Angels are always searching, but sometimes they're seeking more questions, not answers.
*Our mind is a sacred place for our thoughts to gather and spend time with angels.
*Angels know that the care of the soul lies in its simplicity.
*Angels see us for what we are and they love what they see.
*Our lives are a journey that we should travel with angels.
*Fairies are invisible and inaudible like angels. But their magic sparkles in nature.
*Angels are a natural part of the scenery, so don't be surprised if you don't recognize them right away.
*Angels have countless suggestions, but are discreet in helping us discover answers through our own insights.
*Angels urge us to take risks and will always catch us if we stumble.
* Angels know that it's unnecessary to solve life's mysteries, but hope that we enjoy them.
*Angels caution us to retain our inner peace in a world that may sometimes appear to have gone crazy.
*Angels encourage us to create a happy home to nurture our souls.
*The angels know that as the seeds of fruit reenter the earth, the cycle of life continues.
*An angel, like the cricket, speaks in darkness.
*When the stars are twinkling, an angel awaits your prayers.
*We can broaden our horizons by creating beauty apart from space and time
*Angels welcome diversity and so are champions of our individuality.
* When anxiety looms, stop and take a deep breath. While you rest, angels will step in and restore serenity.
*Angels have no boundaries, but are willing to respect yours.
*Angels are not superior to us, they are merely our spiritual counterparts and helpers.
*An angel can illuminate the darkest path.
*The river of life flows with angels upstream, blending bliss and sadness with the knowledge that you'll meet happiness around the bend.
*Angels impart a calmness that assures us of God's endurance.
*An Angel falls from heaven with each drop of rain to guide it to its place
*Good friends are angels on earth
*Grandmas are earth angels
*Wherever you go, whatever you do, May your guardian angel watch over you
*Music is the voice of the angels
*Angels gather here Night falls, stars appear, evening angels gather here
*Angel on Duty


*ANGELS-tickle your funny bone...they are good for your soul
*ANGELS-don't fall out of the sky...they emerge from within
*ANGELS-are never too distant to hear you
*ANGELS-give us direction
*ANGELS-are there when you need them
*ANGELS-are really down to earth
*ANGELS-bless you...they do not try to impress you
*ANGELS-know how to light the way
*ANGELS-give you those gentle pats on the back you need to keep on going
*ANGELS-always raise your spirit
*ANGELS-don't worry about you...they believe in you
*ANGELS-come in all shapes and sizes and colors
*ANGELS-walk softly and carry a big prescence...the sky's the limit for them
author unknown


*An angel is someone you feel like you've known forever, even though you've just met.
*Angels are never too distant to hear you.
*The sound of an angel's voice can unlock your hidden feelings.
*Angels often work behind the scenes.
*Sometimes your best friend is actually a guardian angel in disquise.
*Angels hide nothing and see everything.
*We've never had to look far to find our angels. Angels have never really been out of reach. We can always discover angels from the inside-out, because it is the angel inside us who can point the way to all our other angels.
*An Angel can fly directly into the heart of the matter.
*Angels can't read music, they wing it.
*Anyone who helps you grow is an angel.
*Angels are the gatekeepers to the soul.
*Smiles are the next best thing to halos.
*Angels don't run away from life, they fly towards it.
*Angels are very down to earth.
*Angels know how to light the way.
*An angel is someone sho raises your Spirits! A TRUE FRIEND
*Angels believe in miracles. I say Angels ARE Miracles.
*An angel is someone who brings out the angel in you. Maybe a Friend a Lover or a child.
*Everyone has their own angel.
*An Angel appears to be just like everybody else, only more so.
*We are all angels in training.
*Angels have a hidden agenda...LOVE
*While we are sleeping, angels have conversations with our souls.
*There are often people nearby who want to pull you up when you reach out, These are your Angels-in-waiting.
*You don't have to die to become an angel.
*There are no strangers to an angel.
*The sweet souls who love, Cherish, inspire and protect the angel in you are your guardian angels,,, they are your FRIENDS and Family.


