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I'm going to be adding a page for Q's that I have to trade also but that may take awhile.

Please see my rules link for info on how to trade with me. Also Please do not ask for me to send you coupons for FREE. I do charge a 4c handling fee + postage on all coupons.I will edit out the expired coupons at the end of each month. So if any fall in the middle they will remain until the end. I hope you enjoy my pages & we can do lots of trading. Thanks for stopping by! Jeanne

Hi All, Sorry it's taken so long to update my pages. I've been taken night classes & just haven't had the time. I'm finished school for now but may take another class in July. So please be bear with me. I'm trying to update my pages as often as I can. If you'd like me to add you to my weekly mailing list I can do that. I keep ontop of that much better. And the ladies on that list get first choice before anything even makes it to my pages. Thanks Once Again for your understanding. Jeanne

My Simple Rules January 27,98

My Wish list June 12,98

FOOD A TO Z June 12,98

NON FOOD A TO ZJune 12,98

BABY & KIDS June 12,98

PET FOODS June 12,98

Forms to trade June 12,98

"97"EXP FOOD C/O'S June 12,98

"97"EXP NON-FOOD C/O'S June 12,98

"97"EXP PET & BABY C/O'S June 12,98

"98"EXP FOOD C/O'S June 12,98

"98"EXP NON-FOOD C/O'S June 12,98

"98"EXP PET & BABY C/O'S June 12,98

MY Business Personalized Childrens & Adult Books

Friends links & Sites I like to visit February 19,1998

Any comments or to trade send me mail: