Nsync Stuff

*N The Mix-by mAdGiRl

Opening- Macy's Promos, Nsync singing IWYB.
Screaming teenyboppers, nothing new.
Okay, in the Boston clips(for those of you not familiar with it, it's when Nsync was wearing Black-n-White)what the hell is right above Joey's crotch? Wait, I don't wanna know.
Justin does this little running in place move that drives me wild, I must copy it every time I hear this song, even in the car!
Did I mention he's in a wifebeater?
Him and Chris do this little variation move that's way better than the usual "let me see how close my hand can get to your crotch Juju without actually touching it" move they usually do.
Do I live in Massachussetts?
Was I at the Boston performance?
When did I bother to check Nsync's appearance schedule?
After they were long gone!
Am I an idiot?
Alrighty then, moving on....

Justin- That annoying little Justin song, coulda did without.
Chris-The picture they show of him is BY FAR the sexiest one I've ever seen of the man, really Chris, man get more serious.
Lance- The Lance fan that says his name is the best fan representation on the entire tape. She was cool and calm, props to her.
Joey- Hot-ass picture of him when his stats come up, mama mia!
JC- I have no idea why they used that picture of him, I'm sure they have more recent ones, he still looked good though.

If y'all wanna party like we do- Lovin Justin's beatbox and Chris pelvics thrusts, thumbs up boys.

Band History-
Justin: Point's and demands,"Stop asking me this." Dude, don't get all stressed, it's only a question.
Chris: Is falling out at the piano, gotta love 'em.
JC: Does these little spazzes in between and again gotta love 'em.
Justin: Talks with his hands, hhmmm, manually fixated?

Here We Go-
This video looks like it was shot in my junior highschool and Nsync looks as if they stepped out of the 8th grade.
I actually like the video though, Lance danced very well, but why did he lose all skills before the Disney concert special?
Chris and his hair.........I Want It Back!
Whoa, if you have never seen Lance's lil' bootie up close and personal, now's your chance. He had on the tightest white jeans the world has ever known.
Memo to Lance:
Tight jeans on a guy- Big NO NO!
Joey gets hit in the head for tryna mack on some chic and while JC sings,"We've got the skills to keep....", he does this little dance, oooh baby!
Then they do some other stuff and the video is over.

Fans, fans, fans-
Why does JC introduce himself? Um ya think if the people stand in line at ghastly hours to meet you they might already know who ya are? Just a thought.
A poor little fan girl tries to get a hug but their bodyguard yanks her away. Me & him, let's just say if he had snatched me up like that, we goin at it! Right Tiff? I most likely will get the beating of my life but oh well.
Celebrity cameo #1- Joni Mitchell makes a guest appearance and says," They were incredible, I love JC!"
Then a shot of Lance at the piano, check out his shirt. He be havin' some anonymous, nasty-ass, he knew he was gonna be filmed so he should have changed his shirt stains! Go get your tape, pop it in the VCR, fast forward it to to the fan part and look at the right side of his chest. Mmkay, he deserves another one.
Memo to Lance: Clean shirts good, dirty shirts bad.
The next girl who talks is every teenyboppers nightmare, an attractive older teen who could possibly win over Justin's affections if she stalks them long enough.
More fans talk, whatever.
JC- Oh so young , so hot and so insightful. He says my favorite line ever to have come out of his beautiful mouth 'sides when he said "wassup" to me. He says,"It's not exactly Beatle-Mania, but it's pretty kewl". AAHHH It's not the actual statement but the way he says it.

Celebrity cameo #2- Nick Carter shows his support for Nsync by not only being at the show, but he sings along too. Look for him in the audience with a white hat on.

Chris: Spins records.
Lance: Whoo hoo, who knew? Lance bare-chested, lookin' oh so Mississipian fine.
Joey:Looks damn good in a scully. I don't care how hot it is, please wear a scully Joey!
JC- He likes to sleep and he doesn't get to do that very often, he says,"Thank You!". Your welcome JC, isn't he polite y'all?
Justin: Plays basketball, big shocker.
JC & Joey are in an arcade playing Punch Out. It appears like JC wins and Joey won't even look him in the face, aww sore loser.
Joey is at the piano and he says,"Whatever you guys like to do, I do it too, I think, except play hopscotch. Um Joe, not ALL your fans are adolescents, some of us can actually stay up late and get into those clubs you like to frequent.
Celebrity cameos #3 & 4- Jennifer"Crush"Paige sitting next to Joey before he pees on her. Billy Idol next to Justin, no wonder he makes that frightened face.

Describing the video Justin says some intelligent things, go Juju, go juju. He says," A wittier way of telling someone how special they are." But he must keep it real cuz then he says,"It's slamming." This is why we all love Justin.
The mother in the video never ages.
The song is beautiful and so is the concept of the video.
The guys look great in all-white.
Justin gets to be in 50% of JC's solo, well he is the most popular.
When Justin and Chris sing,"And you changed my world with just one kiss," why do they show Joey? Not that I don't love Joey but sheesh Chris sang the line.
Chris was in the back, he was on the side, wait was he even in the video?

Open House Party in Boston- They walk down the hall and Lance says," Boston's great, I love Boston, I wanna get some Boston stuff."
Hey Lance I know just where you can get some Boston "stuff". Call me.

Joey breaks down the different types of dance they do and JC elaborates.
End shot- Justin and Joey in wife beaters and JC with is shirt hanging off his shoulder. Mmm mmm good.

The Limo- The guys are leaving Boston and the 500 mile song comes on. This is my favorite part on the tape, my friend and I used to walk down the street and shout this and point at passersby on the way to school.
Justin begins to sing with them then he must've had a "I'm too friggin cool for this shit" revelation cuz he stops and stares at the camera.
Chris drives it home with his distorted facial expressions, Lance doesn't know the rest of the words and makes the same face a cat does while it laps up milk.
They leave Boston, boo hoo.

The most visually stimulating video. The dancing, the outfits, Justin's head nod thingy, Chris' real hair, Joey in a scully, JC's crystal Blue eyes and Lance in sunglasses. Who could ask for anything more?

IWYB(cheap Euro version)-
Advertisement for young gay males? I think so. Tight shirts only look good on guys who have nice bodys to show off. They have awesome bodys now, but someone please slap the director of this piece of crap video. Two thumbs WAY down. I'd rather sit through a BsB video.

First verse: JC and Chris sing to each other,"Baby, we can't win." How sweet.
Justin, basketball, basketball, Justin.
Second verse: When Justin sings,"In the corner of my mind." What the hell was Chris doing to Lance's ear? Long day Chris, seeking to amuse yourself?
Then Justin is in the bed, why couldn't that be the whole video?
Chris must've really had a long day because he sings Justin's line,"I feel it too." Alright Chris way to show 'em!
ALL their haircuts had to go, and so did the fake acoustic guitar props.

On The Road-
In the airport Joey gets bopped kickin' it to a pretty blond girl and tries to make a quick save by saying he was explaining to her what the cameras were about. You can believe that if you want to but the truth is out there Lookie Here for what he really said to her.

Crazy For You soundcheck-
Chris walks past Joey and back kicks him in the ass. HAHAHA! Then when they are facing the seats Chris looks at Justin and shakes his money maker to the beat. I love it that Chris has a good time!

Live Performance-
Is Joey humping the guitar player?
Justin gives us a little thrusty hip action.
Skank of the year: There was this girl in the audience with a half shirt on gyrating her ugly body.
Listen chic if you ever happen to read this, learn how to gyrate properly before unleashing your grossness on Nsync's delicate eyes.
We don't want poor Chris getting sick again.
The last,"Wherever I go", Chris and Joey do the thrust thing and Lance does it with his fuckin' arm! I didn't want to go there, but you forced me to Bass!
Memo to Lance- Give us what we want, thrust baby thrust!

The tidal wave, Chris is laughing uncontrollably, lovin it!
When he gets his make-up put on he looks like the Taco Bell dog. HAHAHA.
The plot of the video is there's this girl who has everything materialistic except love. Nsync sends her a picture of themselves. Hold up wait a minute, does that means she has to chose which one she wants or does she get to take them all on? Well if so she bess have a lot of stamina, half of them are in their prime.
Chris says he is gonna ride one of the little bite-sized dogs instead of the horse and proceeds to strattle one of them. Um, kiddies, Chris is not scared of hurting his face, he's worried about his Johnson and the Thompson twins.
JC sings "For the girl who eats everything I bring you fudge, cookies and stuff." Real sensitive hon.
Then the video comes on, they look hot and Justin sings the second verse.
The famous Nsync in the water with their shirts on scene got frozen on my screen for a good 53.4 seconds.

Disney Concert footage- WHY? Wasteful use of tape, we have seen this billions, and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions of times.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays-
Gary Coleman- No comment.
Nsync feeds the homeless, play with children, and dance with chics. The holiday spirit lives on!
Second verse, girls alone on the couch, Joey pops outta no where and wraps his arms around them, hey take your sick orgies elsewhere buddy, this is a Christmas video, not one of your lil' home videos.
A present gets thrown at Justin and rather than tarnish his his gorgeous face he moves and it hits some poor girl.
JC throws a little boy in the air several times, I'm surprised he didn't puke on him, that would be bad.
Justin's little child was a GIRL, not a boy like a lot of people thought she was. It's just that Justin didn't want to be the only one on the set sportin' a fro, so he begged her mom not to comb her hair.
JC grabs poor Lance and jumps him to death.
Lance dances with a chic, a good time is had by all.
Was Chris even in this video?

The Credits-
They were all precious children, even JC when he rocked the running man in his Vanilla Ice gear.

What was missing?" Well people take a looksee at the back of the tape box. Where the hell is the MTV, and The Tonight Show performances? Did they end up on the cutting room floor in favor of the Disney footage? Um, good creative decision. Overall it was very exciting and worth yelling at the store clerk in Strawberries for, oh yeah, I'm bad, you know it, sham on.

TRL-the 2nd time around

JC had on Yellow-tinted sunglasses, a dark Blue fleece sweater, jeans
Joey had on a Yellow Hilfiger sweatshirt, jeans
Lance had on a Red Hilfiger sweatshirt, jeans
Chris had on sunglasses, Grey Hilfiger sweatshirt, jeans
Justin-Blue and Grey sweatshirt,jeans, and my grandmama's woolen underdraws atop his head.
When they're introduced Justin says,"Wasup, wasup?
Carson goes over for a group hug and and says Nsync is in town for "Jingle Balls". Justin and Chris notice his mistake & eye each other. Justin says to Chris,"Did he say Jingle Balls?"
Carson mentions some of the names of the performers that will be there and when he says Shania Twain, Lance very slowly groans,"Shania." We get it Lance, you're from Mississippi and you love all things country!
Chris finally calls Carson on his "Jingle Balls" and Carson shoots back by saying,"Well in MY world there's two.!" HAHAHA. That Carson is always good for a laugh.
Lance doesn't seem to get it.
JC's damn microphone is attached to his mouth, he answers like all of the questions.
"Pretty Fly For A White Guy" of as I prefer to call it,"The Justin R.Timberlake Anthem" is video #3 and Nsync starts to jam to it. Joey manages to stick his enormous tongue out(No I won't go there).
The video goes off and Carson shakes his finger at lil' Juju and says,"naughty, naughty boy." Um, I guess you had to be there.
He asks them about the Christmas album and "quickdraw" Chasez answers him. Joey tries to interrupt but it seems his mike isn't working properly so like the genious he is, he just holds it up to his mouth.
Then they present Carson & MTV with a picture of themselves with their 2 multi-platinum CDs and home video. Carson says that he can finally take down his Rick Springfield poster because Justin suggests he put it above his bed. Um, yeah Justin I'm sure when Carson's lying in bed with Jennifer Love Hewitt he wants to look up and see y'all staring back at him. Just a thought.
The #2 video is BsB and the guys either said they liked it or nodded their heads. JC starts singing Nick's verse, hey that's not such a bad idea maybe then the song would sound good.
The guys then sing "O Holy Night". I had a Chris moment. I love his voice always have and I tear up whenever he sings.
After commercial break Lance's hat is sticking straight up and Justin makes fun of him so the camera zooms in on him. Hey his hat looked better than those draws on your head buddy!
Then a nice fan girl asks "King of the Universe" if he is dating Britney Spears. He knew it was coming and he was prepared for it. He says,"I AM NOT DATING ANYONE AT THE MOMENT, I HAVE NO TIME TO DATE ANYONE AT THE MOMENT." Some goober from the audience shouts,"What about Melanie?" Justin says,"I'm just wearing her hat." C'mon people, just because you make Justin a hat doesn't mean he's yours, when we break up y'all can have your crack at him!hehehe
Carson points out that the official book is at #15 & the "ghetto" book is at #11.
Merry Christmas,Happy Holidays was #1 and they made fun of Gary Coleman.
The video goes off and per Chris' request they all pile on Carson, um....I would give my left arm to have Nsync pile on me!
What was missing?:How 'bout Nsync coming out before the 3rd video?

House of Style-
Rebecca Romijn-Stamos is in Nsync's tourbus, ahh lucky her. She is asking them about the Sargeant Pepper theme and Chris says,"That's the look we were going for, who's Sargeant Pepper?HAHAHA.
JC is way to good at describing the fabrics of their outfits, check out how he rubs himself.
Is Joey a babe magnet or what? He goes from sitting to the right of Rebecca to knealing below her to being her handrest. How did he manage that one?
Lance talks about Parasuco, they specialize in "stretchy" stuff.
Rebecca asks the obvious question,"You guys wear spandex?"
Chris shouts,"NO, biker shorts!" Last time I checked biker shorts were made of spandex. Just a thought.
JC says," Some of us shouldn't wear it." Who is he talking about? I'm curious. First he makes fun of "girls who eat everything", then some of the "thicker" members of Nsync. Remind me never to eat fudge while wearing spandex in front of Mr. JC.
What's up with his gay hand gestures?
Then Joey explains why they wear spandex under their pants because they do a lot of heavy dancing. For those of you who still don't understand Joe's explaination Lookie Here.
Justin talks about his CD collection which pretty much resembles my little brother's.
Then poor Lance mentions Garth Brooks' names & Rebecca's like,"Garth Brooks?""Not that there's anything wrong with Garth Brooks."
He adds,"Garth Brooks is THA Man." Um....yeah, if your from Mississippi.
They are then asked to "roast" each other. Joey asks,"Roast?" I betcha he thought she meant food.
He shows off his Supa Dupa fly Superman stuff, and the make fun of his fur fetish. Chris is next and he's pretty normal lounging in Fubu jerseys & jeans, I mean I know I always sit around the house in $80 shirts.
So Chris starts telling his story of his glasses he got in LA, I have no idea of why that was significant but anyhoo he can't find the right term so Rebecca interjects by saying,"Optometrist". Appearently Chris forgets all couth and says,"Big word." She shoots back by saying,"Models CAN use big words sometimes." JC says,"Right on!" Go JC, Go JC. I am soo with him on that. She shoots Chris the dirtiest look and they must have edited out what happened next because I hope she gave him a tongue lashing! Before I get more lovely mail, I love Chris but if he insulted you like that wouldn't you be upset?
Okay next subject......
Chris talks about JC's Buddy Holly style and then Joey talks about Lance when they first met him, only Joey says "when we were first with him". Care to elaborate Joe?
Lance is like,"We're not going back are we?"
Joey says,"Oh I'm going back cuz I hafta go back, that boy had like this little button-up preppy shirt and he had the little tight jeans with boots on."
What exactly has changed? I can't tell, for one at the concert I went to he had on the same exact outfit Joey described nix the boots.
When it's Lance's turn to roast Justin he doesn't say anything bad about him. Is Justin really THAT stylish? I mean most of the time he is 'cept when he throws panties on his head.
Then Chris does the little Justin impression of when somebody else likes something baby Blue. He makes a face and says,"DAS MYEEN."HAHAHA.
They sing "O Holy Night" and somehow Justin winds up sitting next to Rebecca.
The credits:
Chris comes out in male model mode and the guys sing "I'm too sexy", while Justin provides the beatbox. Then they suck in some helium and the sordid party is over.
What was missing?: That footage of Rebecca and Chris when he insulted her!

CBS This Morning-
First they show them singing "O Holy Night." They are all decked out in me & my friend Tiff's fav, designer Karl Kani and look scrumptious. I had to program my VCR for this performance so I ended up with a bunch of useless commercials & evil craft lady crap on my sacred Nsync tape.
They are introduced & sing "Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays".
Who made them do a full dance routine to this song?
It certainly left a lot to be desired.
Is JC high on caffeine like all the time, he's too frickin' pumped.
Justin hits a spectacular high note.
If you pay close attention, the routine was tidbits of all their other songs. That was okay until they did that frickin "chop-chop" move. This is another go get your tape & fast forward it to Justin's verse. Them boys did this move where they turn sideways, step front then back whilst chopping their arms. Whose brilliant idea was that? They need to stop Lance from choreographing shit like that!
Then Thalia comes over and asks them their names, they introduced themselves and when asked about their style of music:
Chris says:I'm Paul.
JC says:I'm John.
Joey says: I'm Ringo.
WTF did Justin say? I am pretty well versed in ebonics, but I could not decifer it. If you or someone you know can tell me please e-mail me. Thanx to my girl Jen(NsyncWJstn) & another girl named Jessica Justin said,"Describe the music."
Chris describes the music and Thalia brings up the whole BsB comparison and while JC so eloquently answers her they screw up his friggin name. C'mon CBS, would have broken the budget to put a Z on the end of the boy's name?
Lance scratches his neck, they say thanx and it is over.
What was missing?: Original interview questions, I'm tired of the same ole shit.

Live with Regis & Kathie Lee-
If Kathie Lee doesn't shut the fuck up about how much she loves Nsync I'm gonna storm the studio and shut it for her, who's with me?
Nsync sings "Merry Christmas,Happy Holidays".
They are sitting on stools cuz pobrecito Justin is sick.
JC has a huge responsibilty to sing the whole song by himself.
Does he accomplish that? Kinda, but he misses "Merry Christmas" and heads straight for "Happy Holidays".
The guys are all clapping like crazy with the exception of Chris. He is sitting next to JC and looks like he'd rather be some place else.
Justin looked puffy and sick, poor lad.
The outfits didn't really catch my attention except Chris' scarf, cute.
Justin had on nut-huggers.
The song ends after one verse and Regis and Kathie Lee make their way over to talk with the fellas.
Reeg asks them if they liked being on Kathie Lee's Christmas special, Justin says,"We got to meet Frank." Now I'm thinking wouldn't that be Joey's highlight?
Kathie Lee drools on saying she wants to bring them home, blah, blah, blah.
She brings up that everyone's fav. holiday is Christmas except Chris'.
He says,"Why did I say Halloween?" Um, shouldn't he be telling us the answer and not vice versa.
Kathie Lee asks them if they are going to that "private" place they talked about.
Where is that private place KL? Your summer house when Frank's away? Leave them youngin's alone, ya old bag!
What was missing?: My foot up Kathie Lee's narrow ass.

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Email: dgmadgirl@angelfire.com