I guess cuz we gots a webpage people think we know stuff. I don't know much about nothing & am usually the last to find out but I will attempt to answer these question the bestest way I know how.

Nsyncer85 asks what single is The Lion Sleeps Tonight on?

I know this one, oo oo pick me, it is on the FTGWHE single. I ordered it a while ago & it got shipped so I should be getting it next week!!

Cheer asks hey do you know any of Nsync's e-mail addys?

The only one I know of is the one everyone knows of, Chris' e-mail addy which is always full & I stopped writing to it the 1st week I got it cuz it will just get sent back.

Doll asks How is NKOTB connected to Tiffany?

Well way back in the day when Tiffany was popular she went on tour & NKOTB was her opening act. She dated Jon and as NKOTB became more poular she fell off.

BHO asks How Can you compare Chris to that freak(Howie D.)?

This is referring to a picture I put up in oUt Of SyNc. I was not comparing Chris to Howie I just thought they had similar expressions on their faces. I know Chris is the bomb & Howie's just......Howie.

Babs asks how are you?

I am fine thanx, how are you?

Nikki asks I think it is funny but why does Justin have to say all them bads words?

I can't put my finger on what exactly Justin's character in a story said that was so bad. If you think he doesn't use bad words in real life ask yourself this: What 18 yr old guy doesn't use bad language occassionally?

Ctln asks why can't little people see your site, it's not bad?

I will admit to being fresh sometimes but my 2 little sisters(ages 10 & 12) saw my site and even though they are Backstreet fans(corruption within the family)they got most of the jokes & the ones they had questions about I just told them to skip over it. They will admit that Justin's hot though.

NSYNC17 asks does that mAdGiRl chic have her scanner yet?

Yes I do have my scanner & I scanned most of the pictures on this site.The pictures from my concert & the Macy's parade are horrible but I have a few scanned & I will e-mail them to you NSYNC17. I will forwarn you, they suck, I hate disposable cameras & I'm getting a zoom lens for my next Nsync concerts.

Liezrad asks did JC move out too?

Yes he did and that's all I can say about that.

Curljam asks does Britney Spears go out with Justin?

No, I don't think so but who will ever know for sure. How will that effect everyday life? It won't. Let it go.

NSGRX asks what is the last 2 numbers of Justin's cell phone?

It was a joke, a sick, twisted silly joke. I DO NOT have his cell phone number, I DO NOT want his cell phone number and please don't e-mail me thinking I'm withholding information, I'm not.
If you have any questions you probably should ask someone who might actually know the answers but if you want to see me bulshit my way through more answers then e-mail me.

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Email: dgmadgirl@angelfire.com