Backstreet's Wack

The bastards continue to irk me. I have no desire to ever say anything else remotely nice about them. I don't consider Kevin part of them because he don't do shit anyway. He just makes the group look good. From AJ's baldness to Nick's over-exaggerated video acting I loathe the Backstreet Boys. I have said it before & I will say it again, Nsync is the group Backstreet wishes they could be. I know they came out first but they are by no means innovaters. They have begun to steal Nsync's moves people, can they ever be original? I think not. When you're put together for the sole purpose of making other people rich, it will backfire. Suck it up, let it go, they're WACK!

"You got it, The right stuff." Go New Kids, Go New Kids. Now ask the question again boys,"Am I Original?"

2 out of 5 Backstreet members agree, Nsync is better and Justin is hotter!

Pause for tha cause.....Kev's fine.

There's more Backstreet stuff coming!

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