Can You Feel the Love?

This section is solely dedicated to the wonderful people who make doing this site such fun:


We appreciate you guys so much, please keep mailing us.

These next e-mails really touched mah heart. mAdGiRl will respond in "aqua"!

**All NEW hatemail will be at the bottom of this page.**
*The e-mails are referring to stuff in oUt Of SyNc.

Subject: I WILL JACK U UP!!!!!!!!!!
Excuuuuuusssssseeeee me... girl you need to STOP dissin' on OUR men!!! We will jack you up!
~Jessie Bass, Christal Timberlake, Ashli Chasez, & Amanda Kirkpatrick~
P.S. and that thing about Justin is gross & you are it, woman!
P.P.S and those R pecs on lance, dear. Maybe your just jealous...

Okay I need to stop dissin YOUR men? When they become YOUR men, before or after your dream last night? You gonna jack me up?? Guess I should hide in my underground lair all winter then. It is so appropriately signed by Lance's, Justin's, JC's, and Chris' wives. Guys I told y'all marriage & computers don't mix, when will you learn? Oh wait, my bad, Nsync isn't married. More teenybopper fantasies.
P.S. What thing about Justin is gross? The thing about him having my panties? Well it's not my fault he won't give them back, I keep calling but...
I am stupid? Yeah okay, my college degree feels the same way.
P.P.S. Thanx for making the call on the subject of Lance having pecs, you're so right I wish I had pecs like that.I think I'll ditch my breasts. You know me so well.
Another one:

Uh, what have you got against the Bsb? And why do you keep calling groups composed of all young male performers "boy bands"? It sounds really immature on your part... There's no reason why you can't just give all of them the respect they deserve... the Bsb have come a long way... and all peeps wanna do is bash them... last time I checked *NSYNC hasn't gone 8x platinum anywhere yet... Don't get me wrong though... I love *NSYNC, I have tickets to see them in May and I'm ecstatic, just trying to make a point here... You don't have to bash others when praising some... You really shouldn't be bashing anybody, for that matter.

What have I got against the BsB? Nothing really, I just don't like them with the mighty fine exception of Kevin.
I keep calling the groups of young male singers "boybands" because I am being forced to by MTV, okay is that what you wanted to hear? I don't care who they are, where their from, what they did as long as I can bash them. Wanna know why? Cuz every little thing that they have said & done makes me laugh. I thought I covered this subject in my last hate mail section. If I am very immature I learned it by watching Chris. Go to the nice little "BsB are Gods" pages if you don't wanna hear it, read it, whatever. My sarcasm is all I have to give without it I don't think I can live, I wish I could give a sense of humor to you.......
I'm going to see Nsync in March and I'm going to tell them not to sing to you, na na na na na!

Some more:

The pic of Lance.....the one with this caption "Pecs or Breasts? You make the call! " is awful!!!!!!
Please take it off I dont think it is funny at all!!!!!!
I Love Lance!
I think its very offending!

I am torn on this one, it's a joke people, hence the opening paragraph about bringing your sense of humor. I know Lance has pecs, but that was the first thing that came to my mind when I saw the pic. Get over it.

The same person wrote me again:

All the pics w/ lance I hate you are very mean people!!!!!!

Why do you hate us? We love you. We love all 6th graders.

She's baaaaaaack:

the pic of lance w/ the caption it looks better on joey I hate it to!!!
Lance looks Better!!!!!!!

Well it seems like she hates everyone. How can you hate Joey? He's awesome man. I guess you are entitled to your opinion but have you met him in person? Was he rude to you? Just face it, hate will get you NO where fast. When you're all growed up(ghetto huh?)come talk to me, but for now, buh-bye.

Another Lancey fan:

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, i don't think so!!!!
Lance does NOT have breasts.
Yes,DuH!!!!! they r pecs.
And make fun of *NSYNC all u want, but don't u ever say that MY Lance is a girl, or gay.

You don't think so? I know Lance does not have breasts and that they are pecs, but when I hugged him goodbye last night he was awful cushiony. Just jokin' y'all. This is so silly, I can't believe we get so much e-mail about this.
I'm so glad I now have permission to make fun of Nsync all I want, cuz I seriously was going to stop.
Where did I say Lance was gay? You are obviously confusing me with other humor pages. Lance seems to be getting a lot of play from the ladies, I know that boy ain't gay.
Another person claiming one of Nsync as her own. People, people I'm sure Lance is flattered by your obsessive nature but I don't think he belongs to anyone!!

For real?:

I really do not like your site at all......... theres no real good pictures, with your comments I cant decipher whether you r fans of theres or not...... for a woman or girl or whatever you sure put some lude comments in there....... give it up!!!

There's no real good pictures because this is not a "Nsync is Everything" site. I feel so repetitive but here goes: THIS IS A HUMOR SITE WITH SPOOFS & JOKES! If I wasn't a fan of Nsync's I wouldn't leave my quaint little state to see them in concert. Lude comments? Sweetie the word you're looking for is Lewd. Yes I admit to being a bad girl sometimes, but if you pay close attention, I also put myself in time out when I get out of hand. "Give it up"? Is that a proposition? Now who's being lewd?

Smooches to you too:

You need to get a hold of some J.C. PICS
because for one thing it sucks with
out him and that's all I need to say

Thanx for your input Forrest Gump, The group is called Nsync, not JC and if you're such a JC fan then why the ..'s in his name? Huh? Huh?
Here's a winner:


That's not what his boyfriend told me! I'm kidding, as always......I never said he was gay Einstein.

My delicate feelings were hurt by this one:

what the fuck is your problem two faced bitch
bsb can wish that nsync goes to their concert hoe
what the fuck is up with all the stupid comments on every picture

How am I a two-faced bitch? I don't like BsB so I have NO loyalty to them.
Um, what are you trying to say, BsB can wish that Nsync goes to their concert? WTF???? Do you know how stupid that sounds? Think before you write pinhead. You callin' me a hoe? Has Joey been talking again? Damn him!!
I'll tell you what the fuck is up with all the stupid comments, I look at a picture and in a split second something comes to my mind, I type it under the picture and people laugh. Now what the fuck is up with your stupid comments in my e-mail?
3 words MY PAGE SUCKS?
Well I have 3 words for you- KISS MY ASS!
Wait 3 more words- GET A LIFE!
Another 3 words- DON"T COME BACK!

Have a nice day-

your page like SUX!!!!!!!
you are probably some stupid pre-pubescent teeny bopper yourself you stupid ass!!!!
this page bites the big one, and you need to get a life miss "no teenyboppers allowed"

I'm so glad my page like sucks as apposed to actually sucking, I was scared for a minute there.
I pride myself on being a full grown woman, I have no desire to be a pre-pubescent teenybopper again, been there, done that.
Can you tell me exactly which "big one" my page bites?
No teenyboppers allowed should have detered you from entry but since you wanna be a wise-ass and view the page, it's not my fault.
I am nothing but a BIG JUICY PENIS?
Then I got 2 words fer ya..............SUCK IT!

Nuttin' but love fo' ya-(guestbook entry)1/22
i would like to say this page sucks.
justin isn't in love with himself he is fine and he knows it. big whoop.
and for your info i am 19 and far from a teenybopper(which this word is overlyused at this site) you need to get a life kevin is butt ass ugly.
hello get a life bitch.
My page is really sucking this week. The statement "Justin isn't in love with himself he is fine and he knows it" is a contradiction in itself. Hello Miss 19 yr old, if you say he's fine & he knows it that means the SAME exact thing as him being stuck on himself. Um I never said he was stuck on himself I don't know him(that well hehehe) so I don't know where ya came up with that one!!!!!! I happen to enjoy Justin's fineness as do many other people so what is your point? You are right about one thing I use teenybopper an awful lot. That's my own fault though so I have a new word to describe you & others like you.........."bugaboo". It's from a rap song & it means almost the same thing in that teenybopper= annoying, whiny bitch= bugaboo= you. I need to get a life? You don't see me wasting my time polluting people's guestbooks. Kevin being fine is a matter of opinion as are most things on this page. I have a suggestion, make your own damn site!!!

To the point-(guestbook entry)

This site sucks I'll never go here for damb pics again.

Help me out here, do you mean dumb or damn?

Oh, is that right?-(guestbook entry)1-22

I hate this site it bites!
You all suck!
I suck dick, hahahahahahahhehehehehehehehehe (Joey's dick)!!!

I don't think that's something you want to brag about dear & I'm sure you're very good at it but we don't need to know. Spank you very much.

If you say so-(guestbook entry)1/22
You are so full of shit its not even funny! You are 23 and you have no life because justin would never want to kiss you.
you're stories are so full of shit that you smell. i hope you wake up and smell reality.

Must I reitterate? The people that have no lives put crap in other life-having people's guestbooks.
I am 23 & proud of it, I like JC not Justin, the story you are referring to(Hide-n-Seek with Nsync) was written by a friend, not by me.
The stories that I write are in a way full of shit because they are made up, unreal works of my overactive imagination.
I will wake up and smell reality as soon as you wake up & realize Justin would never kiss you either! Hahahaha!


I may be a bitch sometimes but you crossed the line saying I'm a lil' girl, I think I 'll go cry now......
No you're not a teenybopper you are a bugaboo, whoo hoo I'm liking my new word!!
Yeah, yeah Brian's hot, whatever.
"THEY DON"T SUCK EACH OTHERS DICKS!!!" Whoa, you know something I don't know? I could care less if they polish each others toenails. I don't know of any sick Backstreet oral sex rumors so calm down.
The clencher is that I am jealous because I don't get none, well hopefully if I play my cards right I'll spontaneously grow a dick & the girl up top will suck it, but for now I'm all set thanx. Okay I bad girl, I go timeout.

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