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The Romantic Era

Many people like to believe that they understand the Romantic Era. It was just a crazy time where senseless poets walked around whining about love, right? Love actually was an important aspect of the Romantic movement, but hardly the only aspect. It was a time when both political and societal changes were taking place. On a more personal level people's ideas and thoughts, overall, were also changing. No longer were people willing to be repressed and held under the boot by authoritative figures.

During this era the unthinkable began to be thought, and done. Many people, mostly poets, began to emphasize the importance of one's imagination, feelings, and emotions. To a romanticist every individual was a unique, and beautifully alluring creature. The appreciation and beauty of Nature was also used by many poets to evoke the emotions. Romantic poets also took a great interest and were intrigued, not to mention fascinated, by anything exotic or anything that appeared out of the ordinary to them. Below I've taken time out to share with you the genius of some of the greatest Romantic poets that ever walked the face of this earth. These poets changed the way people felt about poetry. They changed the way poetry was written and took it to a whole new level. To read on paper the immense feelings and the intimate thoughts poured out of these poet's hearts is truly an extraordinary experience. Many people believe that the concept of real poetry began in this era. The poets listed below are not the only Romantic poets, but I feel they are the most outstanding when it comes to portraying the romantic elements. Even though many of these poet's works were shunned and criticized they continued to write, for they were not afraid to show who they really were and what they stood for.

Each of these poets below came from a different background. Whether it be poor or rich, British or American, they all shared one thing in common - the love and passion of writing poetry and sharing their emotions and feelings with the world. Unknowingly, these Romantic poets created one of the most remarkable periods in literary history.

Some of the greatest Romantic Poets and who they were

John Keats
William Wordsworth
Lord Byron
Emily Dickinson
Percy Bysshe Shelley
William Blake
Walt Whitman
