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H.O.T. FuLL of HappiNeSs

WuDdUp! Thanks for coming to H.O.T. FuLL of HappineSs

H.O.T. FaCts

Wanna know more about H.O.T.? Wanna know where they live? Ladies, wanna get hooked up with guys that look like H.O.T? hahaha j/p (just playing) These guys are called H.O.T. (High-Five of Teenagers). There's five members that are in H.O.T. The leader of the group is Moon Hee Jun, lead singer of the group is Kang Ta (all the girls think this guys cute and the picture on top is Kang Ta), the English Rapper is Tony An (also alot of girls think this guy is HOT), Jang Woo Hyuk and Jae Won Lee are the Korean free rappers. Here are more pictures of Kang Ta, my favorite guy in H.O.T. His real name is Ahn Chil Hyun, and Kang Ta means, "hit", and you know that Kang Ta is the big hit, hehehe. (Some girls think that I look like him, especially my mom, hehe)
If you have AOL (America Online) and if you want pictures of H.O.T. contact this girl: Sabrina174, she has many, many pictures of H.O.T. but don't tell her that you got her screen name from me, ok? hehehe. Here's some other pictures of Kang Ta.
I just would like to thank the site for all these pictures that I can use. Do you like these pictures of Kang Ta or do you hate them? Contact (Email) me and I'll try to make my homepage look as best as it can.
Please Email me, and tell me what you think about my homepage. Or if you want more pictures of Kang Ta, or any other pictures from the group of H.O.T. email me, and I'll give you some pictures of them.

CooL LinKs

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!!!To See the other H.O.T. Members CliCk HeRe!!!
HaNnA's HoMePaGe, rEaLLy CoOL
