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Matrix's IRC!!!

<script language="JavaScript"> var host = prompt("Enter The Server Name You Wish To Join --","") if (host == null) { location=history.go(-1) } var port = prompt("Enter Port # of The Server You Are Joining - From 6667-7003","6667") if (port == null) { location=history.go(-1) } var channel = prompt("Enter The Room Name You Wish To Join","") if (channel == null) { location=history.go(-1) } document.write("<wtvchat host="+host+" port="+port+" channel=#"+channel+">") </script> <script language="JavaScript"> function addMessage() { Chat.addChannelMessage (document.forms['chatinputform'].elements ['chatinput'].value) document.forms['chatinputform'].elements ['chatinput'].value = "" } function openWhisperPanel() {'whisper.panel', 'whisper') } </script> <script language="javascript"> function addTime() { Chat.addChannelMessage("/msg * Current time and date: "+Date()) } function addWho() { Chat.addChannelMessage("/who") } function addAway() { Chat.addChannelMessage("/me brb!!! i gotta run next door and pull the neighbor off his poor little kitty") } function addBack() { Chat.addChannelMessage("/me Ok i'm back, gawd there was pussy all over my neighbors kitchen floor!!") } </script> <script language="JavaScript"> function sMsg() { Chat.addChannelMessage (""+document.forms['msgnkinputfrm'].elements ['nickinput'].value+" "+document.forms['msginputform'].elements ['msginput'].value) document.forms['msginputform'].elements ['msginput'].value = "" } function sMgb() { Chat.addChannelMessage (""+document.forms['mgbnkinputfrm'].elements ['nickinputb'].value+" "+document.forms['mgbinputform'].elements ['mgbinput'].value) document.forms['mgbinputform'].elements ['mgbinput'].value = "" } function sMgc() { Chat.addChannelMessage (""+document.forms['mgcnkinputfrm'].elements ['nickinputc'].value+" "+document.forms['mgcinputform'].elements ['mgcinput'].value) document.forms['mgcinputform'].elements ['mgcinput'].value = "" } function pMsg() { Chat.addChannelMessage (""+document.forms['msmeinputform'].elements ['meinput'].value+" "+document.forms['msinputform'].elements ['msinput'].value) document.forms['msinputform'].elements ['msinput'].value = "" } </script> <script language="JavaScript"> function sMsg() { Chat.addChannelMessage (""+document.forms['msgnkinputfrm'].elements ['nickinput'].value+" "+document.forms['msginputform'].elements ['msginput'].value) document.forms['msginputform'].elements ['msginput'].value = "" } function sMgb() { Chat.addChannelMessage (""+document.forms['mgbnkinputfrm'].elements ['nickinputb'].value+" "+document.forms['mgbinputform'].elements ['mgbinput'].value) document.forms['mgbinputform'].elements ['mgbinput'].value = "" } function sMgc() { Chat.addChannelMessage (""+document.forms['mgcnkinputfrm'].elements ['nickinputc'].value+" "+document.forms['mgcinputform'].elements ['mgcinput'].value) document.forms['mgcinputform'].elements ['mgcinput'].value = "" } function pMsg() { Chat.addChannelMessage (""+document.forms['msmeinputform'].elements ['meinput'].value+" "+document.forms['msinputform'].elements ['msinput'].value) document.forms['msinputform'].elements ['msinput'].value = "" } </script> <!-----// sidebar \\--------> <sidebar width=20%> <table align=top bgcolor="000000" gradcolor="444444" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 cellborder=0> <tr> <td> <body text="silver" link=silver vlink=silver> <font size="2"> <img src=""></a><h r> <a href=" .html"> Switch</a><hr> <a href ="javascript:confirm('Room: '+channel)"> Where</a> <hr> <a href="javascript:addTime()//"> Time</a><hr> <a href="javascript:addWho()//"> Who</a><hr> <a href="javascript:addAway()//"> BRB</a><hr> <a href="javascript:addBack()//"> Back</a><hr> <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br> </tr> </td> </table> </sidebar> </head> <body bgcolor="######" text="######" link="######" vlink="######"> <!------Chat --------> <a name="top"> <center> <table cellspacing=3 cellpadding=0 border=2> <tr> <td height=4> <tr> <td 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id="nickinputc" width=85 bgcolor=262626 text=825f5f cursor=gold name="nick" value="/msg " border=3 font=proportional> </form> <td> <form action="javascript:sMgc()//" id="mgcinputform"> <input id="mgcinput" width="175" bgcolor=262626 text=gold cursor=gold name="msg" value="" font=proportional autoactivate nohighlight border=3> </form> </tr> </td> </td> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0> <td> <form action="javascript:addBut1()//"> <td> <input type=submit text=gold size=-1 borderimage="file://rom/Borders/ButtonBorder2.bif" value="Hello"> </form> <td> <form action="javascript:addBut2()//"> <td> <input type=submit text=gold size=-1 borderimage="file://rom/Borders/ButtonBorder2.bif" value="Hello2"> </form> <td> <form action="javascript:addBut3()//"> <td> <input type=submit text=gold size=-1 borderimage="file://rom/Borders/ButtonBorder2.bif" value="kiss"> </form> <td> <form action="javascript:addBut4()//"> <td> <input type=submit text=gold size=-1 borderimage="file://rom/Borders/ButtonBorder2.bif" value="oil"> </form> </tr> </td> </table> <script language="JavaScript"> function addBut1() { Chat.addChannelMessage("/me HELLO ROOM!!!!!! how the hell are ya? I'm fine!!!!!! ok now i'm gonna go sit in the corner, anyone can come if they like :-)") } </script> <script language="JavaScript"> function addBut2() { Chat.addChannelMessage("/me Ok i'm here, calm down, sorry from drawing all the attention away from the room by that entrance, now let the PARTY BEGIN!!!!!!!") } </script> <script language="JavaScript"> function addBut3() { Chat.addChannelMessage("/me when i look at your nic, I feel this tingly sensation in my body like when i was a child in school and i noticed i first had a crush on someone!! gawd it feels good the way you make me feel like that!!! mind if i give you a long, deep passionate kiss that lasts a lifetime?") } </script> <script language="JavaScript"> function addBut4() { Chat.addChannelMessage("/me Anyone care to join me in a round of *oil up and torture the bound and gagged slave?* If not, your gonna play anyways cause I SAID SO!!!!!!!") } </script> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0> <td> <form action="javascript:addBut5()//"> <td> <input type=submit text=grey size=-1 borderimage="file://rom/Borders/ButtonBorder2.bif" value="crack"> </form> <td> <form action="javascript:addBut6()//"> <td> <input type=submit text=teal size=-1 borderimage="file://rom/Borders/ButtonBorder2.bif" value="Info"> </form> <td> <form action="javascript:addBut7()//"> <td> <input type=submit text=yellow size=-1 borderimage="file://rom/Borders/ButtonBorder2.bif" value="ass"> </form> <td> <form action="javascript:addBut8()//"> <td> <input type=submit text=green size=-1 borderimage="file://rom/Borders/ButtonBorder2.bif" value="newbie"> </form> </td> </tr> </table> <script language="JavaScript"> function addBut5() { Chat.addChannelMessage("/me sometimes when i'm here in chat, I think about the good times I had with friends and family before the darkness of the life of chat pulled me down into the addictive pit of gossip, love, hate, and eternal cyber!!!!! GAWD I BET THIS IS WORSE THAN CRACK!!!!") } </script> <script language="JavaScript"> function addBut6() { Chat.addChannelMessage("/me Somehow I inadvertantly stumbled upon Matrix359's IRC Located in a secret hiding spot and the only way you are gonna get it is from me or Matrix, no address for you!!...AHHHHHHH HAAAAAAA HAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!") } </script> <script language="JavaScript"> function addBut7() { Chat.addChannelMessage("/me Kiss my big fat, greasy, slimy, hairy, crust infested, shit caked pooper shoot!!!!!!!!!!") } </script> <script language="JavaScript"> function addBut8() { Chat.addChannelMessage("damn i think i am in the wrong room, no, wait, i see someone i recognize!!!! no wait, thats a newbie....well shit!!!!") } </script> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0> <td> <form action="javascript:addBut9()//"> <td> <input type=submit text=darkblue size=-1 borderimage="file://rom/Borders/ButtonBorder2.bif" value="bomb"> </form> <td> <form action="javascript:addBut10()//"> <td> <input type=submit text=red size=-1 borderimage="file://rom/Borders/ButtonBorder2.bif" value="naughty"> </form> <td> <form action="javascript:addBut11()//"> <td> <input type=submit text=red size=-1 borderimage="file://rom/Borders/ButtonBorder2.bif" value="entrance"> </form> <td> <form action="javascript:addBut12()//"> <td> <input type=submit text=yellow size=-1 borderimage="file://rom/Borders/ButtonBorder2.bif" value="mind"> </form> <script language="JavaScript"> function addBut9() { Chat.addChannelMessage("/me damn!!! you must have put the atom in DA-BOMB!! cause you got da ((((BOOOOOOM))))!!!!!!") } </script> <script language="JavaScript"> function addBut10() { Chat.addChannelMessage("/me can you tell this IRC is made for naughty little boys and girls? <snicker!>") } </script> <script language="JavaScript"> function addBut11() { Chat.addChannelMessage("/me parachutes into the room (>--:-þ") } </script> <script language="JavaScript"> function addBut12() { Chat.addChannelMessage("/me personally, I think if it wasn't for the fact that I have seen a therapist 15 times, had 12 mental spasms, 30 drunkin memory lapses, 2500 missjudged times I was supposed to be somewhere and 50 blind dates that went terribly wrong (ug uhhhh uhhh ug) I think I wouldn't be addicted to the damn chat thingy!!!!") } </script> </tr> </td> </table> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0> <td> <form action="javascript:addPop1()//"> <td> <input type=submit text=white size=-1 borderimage="file://rom/Borders/ButtonBorder2.bif" value="suprise"> </form> <td> <form action="javascript:addPop2()//"> <td> <input type=submit text=purple size=-1 borderimage="file://rom/Borders/ButtonBorder2.bif" value="bondage"> </form> <td> <form action="javascript:addPop3()//"> <td> <input type=submit text=pink size=-1 borderimage="file://rom/Borders/ButtonBorder2.bif" value="kiss"> </form> <td> <form action="javascript:addPop4()//"> <td> <input type=submit text=brown size=-1 borderimage="file://rom/Borders/ButtonBorder2.bif" value="pies"> </form> </td> </tr> </table> <script language="JavaScript"> function addPop1() {var pop1 = prompt("Who do you want to have oral sex with?"); if (pop1 != null) Chat.addChannelMessage("/me Hey "+pop1+", wanna have oral sex in front of everyone in this room? maybe get a huge orgy goin? WOOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!") } </script> <script language="JavaScript"> function addPop2() {var pop2 = prompt("Who do you want to do bondage with?"); if (pop2 != null) Chat.addChannelMessage("/me "+pop2+", I figured maybe you would like to take some rope and cuffs and hog tie me down to a bed and torture my body with anything your naughty mind can think of, and i will yell "+pop2+"!!!! everytime you make me scream in pain!!!!!") } </script> <script language="JavaScript"> function addPop3() {var pop3 = prompt("Who do you want to kiss?"); if (pop3 != null) Chat.addChannelMessage("/me "+pop3+", I want to fuck you right up the ass!!!!") } </script> <script language="JavaScript"> function addPop4() {var pop4 = prompt("Who do you want to throw pies at?"); if (pop4 != null) Chat.addChannelMessage("/me throws shaving cream pies at "+pop4+" ---->>-[})) ---->>-[})) --->>-[})) <)<)SPLAT!!(>(> <)<)SPLAT!!(>(> <)<)SPLAT!!(>(> HAAA HAAA!!!!! GOTCHA!!!! neener neener neener :-þ") } </script> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0> <td> <form action="javascript:addPop5()//"> <td> <input type=submit text=green size=-1 borderimage="file://rom/Borders/ButtonBorder2.bif" value="beautiful"> </form> <td> <form action="javascript:addPop6()//"> <td> <input type=submit text=yellow size=-1 borderimage="file://rom/Borders/ButtonBorder2.bif" value="lick"> </form> <td> <form action="javascript:addPop7()//"> <td> <input type=submit text=red size=-1 borderimage="file://rom/Borders/ButtonBorder2.bif" value="mad"> </form> <td> <form action="javascript:addPop8()//"> <td> <input type=submit text=silver size=-1 borderimage="file://rom/Borders/ButtonBorder2.bif" value="crush"> </form> <script language="JavaScript"> function addPop5() {var pop5 = prompt("Who do you think is the most beautiful in the world?"); if (pop5 != null) Chat.addChannelMessage("/msg "+pop5+" everytime i look into your beautiful eyes and see your kind soul, I think of the major crush that I have on you and it makes me want to tie you up and fuck you till you SCCREEAMMM!!!!!!!!!!") } </script> <script language="JavaScript"> function addPop6() {var pop6 = prompt("who would you like to lick?"); if (pop6 != null) Chat.addChannelMessage("/me looks "+pop6+" up and down, thinkin about all the stuff that could be done with someone like that, " Damn "+pop6+"!!! if you ever gave me the time of day i'd strip you down and take my tounge on a little journey to the "+pop6+" LOVE TUNNEL!!!!") } </script> <script language="JavaScript"> function addPop7() {var pop7 = prompt("who pissed you off?"); if (pop7 != null) Chat.addChannelMessage("/me Dammit "+pop7+", if you piss me off one more time, im gonna take a hatchet, chop you up into bits, mail the scraps to spam and have the rest sent to gay restaurants to be cooked and served to fags around the world!!!!!!") } </script> <script language="JavaScript"> function addPop8() {var pop8 = prompt("who do you think is stalking you?"); if (pop8 != null) Chat.addChannelMessage("/me I would like to take this time to tell "+pop8+" that, I know you have a crush on me but sending me 40 e-mails a day, and following me around in chat every fuckin waking minute is just TO MUCH!!!!!!!!!") } </script> </td> </tr> </table> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0> <td> <form action="javascript:addPop9()//"> <td> <input type=submit text=gold size=-1 borderimage="file://rom/Borders/ButtonBorder2.bif" value="kewl"> </form> <td> <form action="javascript:addPop10()//"> <td> <input type=submit text=blue size=-1 borderimage="file://rom/Borders/ButtonBorder2.bif" value="hug"> </form> </td> </table> <script language="JavaScript"> function addPop9() {var pop9 = prompt("who do you think is real kewl?"); if (pop9 != null) Chat.addChannelMessage("/me "+pop9+", you are so fuckin kewl i don't think that pimp daddy crimp nuts could hold a hooker to your ass!!!!") } </script> <script language="JavaScript"> function addPop10() {var pop10 = prompt("Who do you want to hug?"); if (pop10 != null) Chat.addChannelMessage(" Hugs the living shit right out of "+pop10+" (:(:(HHHHHHUUUUUUGGGGGG):):) </script </form> </tr> </td> </table> <html> <a href=" html"> <center> <img src= " f"> </a> </center> </html> <!--EndFreetext--> <p> <!--Counter--> <center><img src="/cgi-bin/Count.cgi?df=highlander359_index.html"></center> <p> <!--EndCounter--> <!--Email--> <center>Email: <a href=""></a></center> <!--EndEmail--> </body> </html>