The Gate: A Project Pitchfork Page
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Nightmares, Aggression, and Death

I apologize for not having updated in soo long, but my video card here at home is terrible and trying to view pages or work on them gives me a headache. Hopefully the card will be upgraded tonight or sometime this week so come back soon:)


last update July 98

This is a page devoted to my faavorite band, Project Pitchfork. Thanks to Mr Kai Lotze (manager) for linking me as the Pitchfork U.S. Fanclub page :) I've decided to put this up because of the lack of Project Pitchfork pages. Well, not so much lack of as lack of +english+ pages. They're all really good websites, but they'd be a lot better if I could read in German. My loss :)

Project Pitchfork can't really be compared to any other band. Their music can be described as electro-industrial and their lyrics are very intelligently put together. I would say that they reminded me a tiny bit of older Front 242 at first, but I have a bad habit of grouping bands with each other. But I'm sure a great deal of us do the same anyway..
"Every little thing you do causes huge effects" ..the familiar message Pitchfork sends out in almost every song. We can make changes on our own, or at least influence them. I sort of dismissed the lyrics because I loved the music so much that I didn't bother with the words, but it's incredible how they can fit all these crazy words and sentences into a beat. Haha, like they manipulate words to death to make them fit, and that's probably the koolest part about them. It just shows that they want to get a message across, but they still make the effort to put it to great music. It surprises me that it's taken quite some time for America to discover such a wonderful band, but I've gotten lots of email from all the other people out there who also think they're the only ones from the U.S. who are into Pitchfork.. so that gives me hope :)
I could go on about Pitchfork's biography, which I would steal and sum up from their official homepage or cd booklets anyway, so I figured I'd just send you straight to the source (you'll have to do some clicking) and you can read about it on the official page since they have an english version now.

So far the only Pitchfork cds I have are !Chakra: Red!, Alpha Omega (regular and limited tin version), IO, The Early Years, Entities, and Lam-'Bras.

!Chakra: Red! (Feb 1997) is their latest album and definitely a great one. It's different from the others in that they use more guitars and effects. The first bunch of songs seem to focus more on the usual "people are messed up" issues, whereas the later ones are more relationship/love-oriented I suppose. It's out as an import as well as a domestic release (on Metropolis). Songs like "God Wrote" and "Celeste" make this a killer cd.

Alpha Omega (Sept 95) is an import and costs a bit more, but it's still very good. I never paid too much attention to the lyrics, but finally read the cd booklet one day and realized how incredible they are with words. My favorite tracks are "Alpha Omega", "Requiem", "Silent Scream", and "Revolution Now". I've let more time pass and this cd's totally grown on me.. I can't decide which I like most anymore. Oh, and it's just been released by Metropolis domestically.

IO (Feb 1994) is one of the more popular Pitchfork releases. Most people buy this cd first kuz it's easier to find (at least from what I've seen). It's also released on Metropolis. I like "IO", "the Gate", "Terra Incognita", "Antidote", and a bunch of others. Excellent cd. Again, the lyrics are great on this album. I'd say it has a bit more of a beat than Alpha Omega, but there isn't a big difference really. Sometimes bands are good enough to be consistant and still rock :)

The Early Years (1996?) is a compilation of......their earlier stuff! haha didn't see that coming,did ya? Hm, I've been listening to this cd a lot since I got it (it's only been a day as of 12/26/97), and at first all the songs sorta blended together. But after so many listens, it's gotten better and I really like it. "K.N.K.A.", "Lam-Bras", "Entity", "Conjure", "The Island" , "Souls", and "Corps D'Amour" are really good. I would say it's more of a 'get-used to' cd (actually I would say this about most of their cds), but once you do you'll luvvv it. Some of the music is a bit heavier, as in more guitars and metal-sounding stuff sorta. I didn't expect to like this album as much since I thought the older stuff would be weird, but it's great, especially when you consider that this is how they started off.

Entities (Oct 1992) is another import. I bought it for $21 the other day and love it, of course. "Song of the Winds", "Pan", and "Entity" are real good. It's more of a relaxing cd in my opinion. More info as I distinguish between the cds since I have all 5 in my player and I sort of lose track of which is which :)

Lam-`Bras review soon to come.

I recieved email from Kai Lotze informing me that there is no longer a U.S. fanclub nor U.S. management for Pitchfork. I hope this didn't cause any problems and I appreciate Kai's help in updating. If anyone else knows anything, feel free to email me.

I sort of have an IRC channel on Efnet for Pitchfork, but I don't have a bot running yet. My nickname is usually FireGirl or LveInVein. I've been on a lot more lately (usually in the evenings), but still no one ever joins, really. *sigh* Anyway.. join #ProjectPitchfork on Efnet if you feel like giving it a shot..

I've been waiting for you..Are you willing?
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Official Project Pitchfork Page A great page.. I recently checked it, and they now have an English translation of the original German page. Lyrics, discography, news, history, a chat room..everything you could want from them, besides merchandise.
Candyland Records Project Pitchfork's very own record label with bands like Deep Red on it.
Deep Red Deep Red is no longer on the Candyland label. They opened for Pitchfork last summer in Germany, and now have a new lead singer. The page is very nicely done and updated often.
InfraRot Pitchfork merchandise..
Sledge's Project Pitchfork Page
Another Project Pitchfork Page
Digital Underground DU has a whole bunch of Pitchfork cds, including singles, EPs, and a t-shirt for pretty decent prices (except for the shirt, $22 for a short sleeve..ha).
Isolation Tank The only stop you'll ever need to make for your industrial needs.. Reasonable prices, tons of imports and limited releases, shirts, videos.. just about all the merchandise any band has ever released.

email me.

It's really hard for me to find information on Pitchfork, especially stuff that's definitely true. So I apologize if I get anything wrong on here and I hope it doesn't offend the band in any way, not like they'd waste their time with my page, but you never know. I'd also like to say that I'm not promoting anything, these are my opinions and I happen to like this band a whole damn lot and think they're extremely talented, so if it were up to me I'd make everyone listen to them, but it isn't, and it's forbidden to advertise on Angelfire, so I won't :)
Thank you.

We Understand Each Other Better, Now.