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The Webmaster

Full Name: Helen Weatherstone
Nicknames:Melon, Hels Bels
Born:Birmingham, England
Now Lives:Newcastle, England via Holland and Belgium
Hair Colour:Blonde
Eye Colour:Blue
Height:about 5'6
Family:Mum, Siobhan and Dad David
Siblings:Older Brother Gary (21)
Pets:One cat called Alfy

Favourite Thing:My Treble Clef necklace
Hero:My Dad
Hobbies:Shopping, Traveling, Music and Movies
Described in 3 words: Mad in the head (ok thats 4 but never mind)
Ambitions: To finish my A level, to go to Canada in August and to be a journalist.
Most used Phrase:"You know what i mean?" or "Whatever"
Good Points:I'm generally happy, polite and pretty easy to get along with.
Bad Points:Can lack condidence, excitible, talks to much!
Bedroom: Purple and silver with clothes and other junk all over the floor!
Dream Man:Rob Thomas or Kerr Smith
Previous Jobs: Paper Girl, After school care assisstant, sales assisstant, Barmaid and receptionist.

Favourite Food:Mexican
Favourite Drink:Cherry Coke
Favourite Alcoholic Drink:Bacardi and Coke
Favourite Perfume:GAP Blue
Favourite cd of the moment: Gabrielle - Rise
Favourite cd of all time:Bon Jovi - Crossroad
Favourite Film:The Shawshank Redemption
Favourite Item of Clothing:My red trousers
Favourite Memmory:The Matchbox20 Concert in Glasgow

Words of Wisdom: A friend is not only someone who knows the song to your heart, but will sing it back to you when you've forgotten the words.

Photo Album

Shouts Out
