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Helen's Concert Archive™ - The Small Print

The contents on this site are for viewing only, please do not take any pictures from thsi site, if i find anyone using my pictures for personal or commercial use without my permission i will shut down the site indefinately. Please email me if you want to use any of my pictures for whatever reason and i'm sure we could sort something out. All pictures donated to this site or property of the owner and therefor the owner must be contacted before taking them. The photo graphs on this site are not for sale, and the negatives are not available for re orinting in any way shape or form. Pictures that do not belong to myself will be clearly marked. Please do not contact me about pictures that i have not taken as they have nothing to do with me. In no way shape or form am i connected to any of the artists, their record companies or afiliates, featured on this site. If there is any problems regarding the content or maintenance of this site plaese contact me.
