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Welcome to My Museum

Hola and welcome to my humble abode...


This is where I spend my time day dreaming, thinkin' about doin' stuff, putting off doing stuff, and plotting to make random objects spontaneously combust. At the top of this page you see my pal the ceramic screamy head. Aint he cute??
Before I show you my room, ya gotta keep in mind that it doesn't look anything like this anymore. This was about... 'eh... 3 years ago, I guess? Yep. That's about right. Ok ok, I'll shut up and let you look around now...

In this pic, you can see, (among other stuff),my Pez collection , puny as it was back then, all lined up over the top of my mirror.

This is some of my stuff. Have you seen my Gecko? (He's in this pic! See 'im??)

In this corner, my shrine to music. :)

More of my pez dispensers are lined up over the window there. And the hangman to the right, that's Pete the rubber skeleton. He likes to hang around. HAHAHAHA oh god that was corny.

And in this corner, my Crow action figure, my Nightmare Before Christmas dollies, (I made 'em myself! :)), and some of my toyses.

Main toybox
My pets!