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Top Ten Hilarious Mischief Night Pranks To Play In Outer Space

By Mike Maurino

10. Contact NASA by saying, "Whitney Houston, we have a problem."

9. Spike the Tang with Folger's Crystals.

8. Paste a "Hyundai" logo on the main control panel.

7. Tape photo of Linda Tripp to window and then tell crew "There's a hideous Martian outside the ship!"

6. Dump sewage tank over Iraq.

5. Fill someone's oxygen tank with Heinz' Homestyle Beef Gravy.

4. Ring doorbell on Mir Spacestation; quickly float away.

3. Hide the experimental bee hive in someone's space suit.

2. Sneak action figure from "Alien" movies aboard, then pretend it pops out of your stomach during dinner.

1. Egg the moon.

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