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Ice Palace

Floor B2
First use the save point. You need to go to the door to the right. To get it to open, start with the far right tile/switch, and walk clockwise (left-right). The next room can be hard, but all you really have to do is read the plaques. There are three switches on the left and three switches on the right of the room. I will abbreviate them as L=left, R=right, T=top, M=middle, B=bottom. Here's the order that you need to hit the switches in: LT, RM, RT, LM, RB, LB. After that, stand on the switch in front of the door, and it will open. Go on through that door and the next, to get the Plate Armor (equip it), Long Battle Shield (equip it), and the Water/Air Key. Next, go through the door to the left of the save point (use air/water key). You will find two doors to your right in a bit, they both go to the same room, the one on the left has monsters, the one on the right has spike traps. Take your choice (I take the monsters, at least you can see them). Continue straight ahead, go in the left of the two doors straight ahead. Don't bother reading the useless plaque in this room, you will just take damage. Make a diagonal jump and go into the next room to get the Second Gate Key. Exit this room, and the one with the spikes and go to the right, the door there should be open now. Enter the only doors you can enter. There is a good recovery spring here if you need it. Go into the ice guard room and get: the Ice Key, the Red Wing Key, and the First gate Key. Now, go back through two doors and use your Red Wing Key on the door that was locked. Get the Fire Sword and read the plaque. Go back out of this room and the next door, and you will notice that the far left door is now open. Go on in. When you get to the next door, be ready to run-you are being shot at. You need to let yourself fall into the pit in the lower right-hand corner. You will be in a room with a chest containing the Warriors Helm (equip it). Run the heck out of that room and up the stairs. Fall down the hole and I think you'll be on floor 1. It is a good thing you are here, if you're not on level 1 (the very first level), you need to get there (warp or something). Make your way to the lower right corner-where you picked up the Crystal Piece and Under Ice Key. On the same platform with the empty chests, use the Fire Sword to clear away the block of ice. Go on in and receive the Stop Medallion from Vanessa, the Flood Gate Key, and a Power Capsule. Go back to level B2 (I would save now if I were you). You need to go to the bottom left corner. Don't be in too much of a hurry to enter the door, there is a monster you can kill over and over again who will leave one of those glowing blue balls that your Jade fairies like so much (unlimited level up). You may have to exit the room each time-I'm not sure. When you're ready use the First Gate Key on the door. Careful of the scorpions just inside. Next, use the Second Gate Key (more scorpions). Keep on going until you can use the Third Gate Key. You're free of this level!

There is a puzzle in the water (?) room that some of you have difficulty with-just press "X" on your SNES control pad while standing in front of the door.