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The Ruins

Hope you got that axe like I told you! Follow the corridor and whack any stalagmites that are in your way with your axe. Watch out for the scorpions on this level! If they hit you, you are poisoned, and you better have some antidote herb to counteract the poison! There are three things you can get here: 1. Straight left you can get a gold nugget (sell it) 2. On the right side of the room there is a helmet (equip it) 3. Up and to the right there is an antidote herb. OK, got all that? Lets go up and to the left, there is a door that will take you to the next area. Again, WATCH OUT FOR SCORPIONS! There are several waiting for you here. Continue along, and eventually you will reach the ruins proper.
First Floor
This dungeon has a moving walkway…isn't that nice? Use it as you like. This will hereafter be referred to as the main corridor. First things first though…Save your game at the statue. Enter the door just to the left of the save point. Prepare yourself, you are in for a couple of tough fights with some minotaurs that don't want you to get to the treasure in this room. Whup up on those nasties and open the chest for the Light Jade. The light jade is going to be very valuable to you shortly. Many of the rooms here are dark, so you will need her skills. The higher the level of your light jade, the greater illumination she sheds. Now, go back into the main corridor, and go to the right of the save point and enter the first door you come to. Make sure you have the light jade ready and watch out for the glowing tiles! They are hot! You will take damage if you touch them (can jump over). Continue through the next door. Straight ahead, you will see a "floating" square, and to the left of it, another square. Step on that second square, and the lights in the room will come on. Jump on the floating square. It will start moving. You can control direction with your control pad. Head left across the glowing tiles and jump off on the far side of the room. In this next room, take note of the light switchas you enter, you might want to use it in a bit. Go on down into the last room and get the cave room key from the chest. Time to go on back to the main corridor. You will notice, as you are exiting, that somebody has turned out the lights! Just go and turn them on with the switch you saw a while ago. Go back left past the save point (might as well save since you're there). Enter the next door past the one where you got light jade. Talk to Barness, open the chest for a warp gate, and use the purification spring. Feel better now? Exit this room, and continue on left to the very next room where you will use the Cave Room Key. As soon as you come in you will notice a light switch on your left-step on it. Fight/dodge your way to the end of the corridor, and enter the room there to find the dark room key in a chest. Exit and go back to the main corridor. Head left and up. Go in the next room you find. There is no light switch in this room until you get to the very end, so you will be relying on your light jade. Go to the end and get the heart from the chest (use now). Go to the main corridor and continue along the same direction you've been heading. Go in the next door to get a drop of protect (use now). Back in the main corridor, keep giong the same direction, enter the next door and talk to Barness and Kashian, while you're there try a nice hot slice of roast scorpion :-). Now that you're finished with that incredibly useful room, keep going down the corridor in the same direction. Use the Dark Room Key on the next door you find, It's not called the Dark Room for nothing! Light jade will be of great use here. Go all the way to the end, jumping and fighting monsters. You can read the plaque if you want, it says to push switches in order from the left, so, duh! Run over the switches from left to right-door opens. In this next room, you need to kill the blinking man before the chest will open. In this chest, you will find the Underground Key. Back in the main corridor, keep going and enter the next door (use underground key). Talk to Kashian ("Did you see what was left behind in that room? You could sell it for a lot."). I don't know what in the world she's talking about-there's nothing I can find. Anyway, continue on past her and go on up to the next level.
Second floor
In this first room you'll find Barnan who will sell you items (the mushrooms are nice). If you get hurt anywhere in this level, just come back and talk to him and you will be healed for free! Save your game at the statue. If you use the x-ray glasses, you will notice that this level has a moving walkway running around the perimeter, just like the first floor did (NOT always handy if you have to move against it!). Exit the room, and head left. Enter the first door you come to. Go to the right as soon as you enter, and step on the light switch. Puzzle time! There are two doors in this room, the one you will be opening first is the lower one. Go to the rocks in the center of the room and do the following: 1. Push third rock from left down as far as it will go. 2. Push rock that is now to your left all the way to the left. 3. Push the rock that's now up and to your left all the way down into the passageway, then right onto the far right switch. 4. Go back and push the far right rock and push up, left, and down onto the other switch. This will open the door allowing you to get the Bottomless Room Key. Coming back out, you will notice the lights are out (use light jade), and the rocks have reset. Here's what you have to do: 1. Push top right rock up and right onto the far right switch. 2. Push the rock that was next to that one up and right onto the next switch. 3. Push bottom rock to right, up, and onto the next switch in line. 4. Push second rock up, and right, onto the last switch. Door opens. Go in and get the Banded Mail (equip it now). Go back to the "main" corridor (the one with the moving walkway). Go left (against the flow). Go past the first door you reach (you will access this from the next floor), and enter the next one. You can talk to Ferris ("This is a weapon? I can't use it, it's too heavy for me.). Open the chest and get the Morning Star. Go back to the main corridor. Go right and enter the next door. There are two doors here, you will be opening the right one first, and coming back later for the left door. Read the plaque. The solution to the plaque is to step on switches 2-5-3, in that order. Go on in. The solution to the next puzzle is to step on switches 3-6-5, again, in that order (12 months, 52 weeks, 365 days).Go on in the now open door and get the cheese and most importantly, the boomerang (gotta love those weapons that allow you to attack from a distance)! Back in the main corridor, keep going right and enter the next door you reach (use your bottomless key). Here you have moving platforms over bottomless pits again. Time the platforms, and jump/walk to the next area. Keep going and eventually you will find the Distance key. Time to go back to that last door you passed up( in the room with the 2-5-3 puzzle) , and use your distance key. The trick in this room is to get the balls to bounce together, so the "run over" the switches simultaneously. This might take you a few tries-just exit the room if you need to reset the balls. Enter the door and pass up the first door for now (you will come right back after you get the next chest). Follow the corridor until you come to the next puzzle. Here's what to do: 1. Push bottom rock left twice. 2. Let orange chase you down, right, and up out of the way. 3. Push top rock onto top left switch. 4. Push middle rock onto bottom switch. 5. Push bottom rock along the wall so it's even with the bottom switch. 6. Go get the orange ball to chase you down, left, and up onto remaining switch. This will allow you to run through the open door. This room has two chests, one of which will attack you! I usually just sit back and let the jade(s) take it out. The Basement key can be found in the other chest. Now go back to the last door you pased up. Use the Basement key here. You will find a man selling armor. I recommend buying the Kite Shield. Continue on upstairs to the next level.
Third Floor
This is an "interesting" floor. Tiles appear and disappear throughout this level, so watch your step! First thing I recommend is that you save your game (up and to the right). Go down (or south if you prefer), jumping onto tiles, as far as you can go. You should now be in the bottom right portion of this room. Now go left as far as you can go. If you look in the up direction, you will see a door (up and to the right, will be fallen into from above). In front of the door there is a ledge. One portion of the ledge sticks out more than the rest, note this. Go right and past this door, and past another door. You need to be careful here as the tiles appear and disappear. If you go up and time it right, you can jump onto a moving platform that will take you up allowing you to jump onto a platform with a chest that has a heart (use it). Go back and fall just to the left of the part that sticks out (that you noted earlier). You will fall down to the previous level into a room that you couldn't get to before. Get the reviving mirror, warp gate, apple, and cross helmet (equip it). Make your way back up to the third floor. Go back down and all the way left (around where you jumped down). Continue straight up this time. Follow the "hard surfaced" path and you will eventually come to a door. What you need to do is to push the pillar on the left all the way to the right as far as it will go (against other pillar). The door is now open. Enter, and talk to Rein (the floor disappears-duh!). Open the chest in this room and use the key on the other door to the right. This will make a nice shortcut back to the save point. As long as you're here I would go ahead and save the game. Go back to "Reins room" and exit through the North (up) door . You will probably fall some during this next portion, but with the shortcut from the save point, it won't be as painful as it would be otherwise. There is a lot of jumping, and timing of floors, so I will just give you directions here. Go up, up, up, left as far as you can go, down (stay on platform until you can jump onto second platform to the right), down, down, down, down to moving platform, down, down to moving platform, down, down an right to moving platform (outside of disappearing floor), left and down (moving platform), left and down (moving platform), left and down (moving platform), left and enter door. Get the flyer's key from the chest. Either warp back to the save point, or make your way there on foot. I recommend saving again. Use the flyer's key on the door next to the save point. Follow the passageway until you come to a door. There are lasers all up and down the passageway, do your best to get around them. Enter the door. Your next objective is to reach the upper right portion of this room. Jump up, up onto the disappearing floor, up and right to a platform, right to platform, down to disappearing floor, down to platform, down to disappearing floor, down to platform, right to platform, then all the way up (this can be hard). At the end there are a couple of moving platforms that must be timed exactly. Be patient you have all the time you need. After you get off the moving platforms, get the steel sky key, and invisible road key from the chests. Now either warp or walk back to the first third floor room, and use the steel sky key on the room in the approximate center to get the steel buster (weapon). Be aware, the chest on the right isn't a chest, it's a monster that will attack. Now, go back to the room you got the steel sky key from. Your new objective is to get to the upper left corner of the room. Go up, up, left, up, up, up, up, up, right, down & right, up, up (as far as you can), left, left, left. If you jump/fall down and left of the door, you can fall down to the previous level to get a heart (use it), and a warp gate. You will have to make your way all the way back so you can use the invisible key on the door. Go on in the door, right and up through another door. It doesn't seem possible to continue any farther, but take my word for it and jump straight ahead. You will be able to walk on thin air to the next door and go to the next level.
Fourth Floor
This level has a lot of empty space that you can fall down into (and take damage), so be careful. This is going to be very difficult to explain this level, but I'll do the best I can. First things first, save your game. Buy any weapons you need (talk to man). You have the steel sky now, so you can go back downstairs to the room you couldn't get into now (bottom middle room) and get the steel buster (a weapon). Once you do enter the door will find one of those floating platforms waiting just outside. The platform is controlled the same way as the previous ones you used. Hop onboard, and immediately head "up" just to the left of the door. Jump off at the dead end and you will fall back down to the previous level to find the Bone Mail and a Warp Gate. Come back upstairs , and repeat this maneuver again, this time jump off in the corner to the left of the other jump-you get gold and silver bullion (can sell it). If you don't think you need money, you can forgo this step. There is one other place you can jump down; it's where the plaque says the jewel rests below (you'll get silver bullion and meat). Alright, get back on the floating platform and jump off at the door that will be "up" from you (hug the north wall). This room has a bunch of those crazy orange balls that chase you-dodge as best you can. If you search this room you will get, a Cloak (when wearing you move the same speed as the orange balls, but you have NO armor), a Warp Gate, an Ancient Coin, a silver nugget, and the Power Room Key. Exit the room and jump on the floating platform. Go down, and right. Enter the door there. You will eventually come to a puzzle. The puzzle solution is similar to the one in the Tower of Light, floor 2. Rocks will end up on the outside switches, and the ball in the middle. Go in and get the Kite Shield and Control Room Key. Exit and get on the Floating Platform again. Go down (south) then left along the wall. Get off at this next door. Use your Power Room Key. Dodge the balls of light in the first room, and jump across the pits. Kill all monsters in the second room (including the blinking man), door now opens. Next room, dodge balls of light, jump across pits and get; the Reviving Mirror (nice to have one of these equipped in case you die), and the laboratory key. Now go back outside and get on your floating platform. Go up (if you want you can jump off in front of the plaque in a cubby to the left for silver bullion and meat). Keep going up as far as you can go until you reach a ledge. Jump onto the ledge and read the plaque if you want, but in any case, enter the door to the right, using your Control Room Key. When you reach the floor switches, step on them in this order (counting from left to right), 4-1-2-6. Go in the open door and kill all the blinking men, then you can open the chests for: a Drop of Protect, and the Office Key. At this point in time, I recommend you save your game, the Boss is coming up. Make sure you have plenty of healing prior to this encounter. Use your Office Key on the door at the bottom center of the room, next use the laboratory key, and enter the Boss' lair. Attack the glowing red spot on his "nose". Make sure you are far away when he inhales-you will be dragged in and damaged! I have had good luck using the boomerang as it allows you to keep a little space between you two! After you do about 200 hp damage, the Boss expires. Don't leave yet! Go into the other door in the room. You will get: a round shield, a silver plaque (you will need this!), and the Preparation Room Key. Go back uot and get on the floating platform, and go to the room on the left center wall (yeah, the one you have to go past all those "lightening" monsters). Use the Preparation Room Key , enter, and be prepared to fight the center chest as it will attack you! Open the other chests to find: an Ancient Coin, an Iron Sword, Source of Power (use it), and a Gold Nugget (sell). Go ahead and return to Arcs now.


Save your game. Replenish any supplies you need. Show the Silver Plaque to the old man (house behind hotel). Talk to the guard at the entrance to the Southern road, Rein pops up and then you can travel the South road to the town of Toronto.

Road to Toranto

One important note here. On the way to Toranto, there is an "island" with an archer on it; in an area just to the right, there is a monster you can kill over and over again, each time leaving each time leaving one of those Jade Fairy level-up balls!!! If you take a little time, you can have all your Jade Fairies built up to level 19 (their max) in no time.


The rest of this walkthrough is under construction. I am writing this veeeery slowly, so if you are stuck, feel free to e-mail me.