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Warning about TWO women that have ripped off other members of their American Indian groups.

Warning about Ellen Easton AKA Cougar or Granny Cougar

This page is to warn others about a lady in
Native American groups that takes money from people
and promises to send merchandise and never does.
She goes by the name of Cougar,
or Granny Cougar or even toiama2.
Her real name is Ellen Easton and she lives in Oregon.
Some have told me that she is going by the name of Ellen Nelson.

We sent her $150 in September of 2002
to purchase a native baby doll that she makes.
We really thought she was a kind person and
could be trusted to follow through with the order.
My wife even sent her another $10
cause she claimed she didn't have money to ship
a statue she promised to send her.
We donated money to a lady that had cancer,
and included an extra $50 from the nation,
in return Ellen agreed to send Brenda this statue.
We have learned NOT to trust anyone since this happened.
I just don't want anyone else to be taken by this person.
She is in no way an honorable lady
and others should know exactly what to beware of.


Another person to warn everyone about, her name is Toma MeGammon and she lives in Texas. She goes by the name of Little Quail in the native groups. She took $80 from another member and never sent it back like she agreed to do. They had an agreement and Little Quail backed out of the original agreement, and said she would return the money in three weeks. We have got to stop trusting anyone on the internet. This is a warning to others. Don't send money to anyone unless you KNOW them.

The Cherokee were good people,
and they are giving them a bad name.

This page is a copy of his original page.
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