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Gidge's View of the World

The time is coming.......

Some things have to be believed to be seen......
Walking through the woods to clear the woods for the local lumberjacks, I happened across a Gargoyle writhing in pain. I tried desperately to communicate to see who would have the cruelty to bring it down to such a low level of health and then leave it to die a slow death, It walked away from me, It would not turn to look me in the face, ashamed of it's conditon but not strong enough to fight.I thought about letting it go on, but alas..I could not see it suffer as it was....I pulled out my katana ...I stanced for attack, it turned and looked at me, as if to say thanks. It did not run, With one blow it fell to the ground. I gathered it's belongings. I bowed to the carcass of the beast, and covered it with nearby branches, to give it peace from the wolves, tho I doubted it would work.

Until next time,



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