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A Note From James

Hello and Welcome to my Web Pages. These pages are the result of my continuing interest in both the War between the States and Genealogy research.

As a young child growing up Near Chattanooga Tennessee my family visited some of the great Battlefields of the war at Lookout Mountain and Chicamauga. So my intrest in History was born at an early age.

Later I found I had a more personal link to the War . A Great Great Grandfather Wounded at Malvern Hill Virginia, and another ancestor Killed in action at Gettysburg .

With all the recent controversy over the flying of the Confederate Battle Flag its easy to forget that most of these men were not slave owners , just ordinary Farmers and Townsmen who answered the call to arms to defend their Homes and Families .

If the Flag offends then turn your eyes away but never forget the Courage, Gallantry and Dedication of those who faced the Fire, and say a prayer for those who never came home.

Thanks and Enjoy your visit


Welcome Page
Muster Roll of CO K
History of the 48th (Seven Days to Fredricksburg)
History of the 48th (Chancellorsville and Gettysburg)
History of the 48th (to Appomattox)
Civil War research links.
The Malone ,Crawford Page