Special Stuff

This is a page for... um... stuff! Yeah. The stuff that I wanted to include in the 'Box, but I didnt really know where to put it. So this is the GCOS page... General Collection of Stuff.

For my Animated Harem, Digital Photography gallery, Pictures of Me, and some other things, click Here!

Click the banner above for a special page of Eyecandy: Gift art and more!!


This Melfina Kitty
was adopted from
Ghost's Anime Page


Whee! Personality Quiz-type-things...

You are the Dragon. In medieval Europe, dragons were considered mostly evil and a generally bad omin. Christianity linked the dragon with Satan because of the dragon's snake-like apperance. However, to the Orient cultures the dragon was a symbol of widom and roalty. It was a benign animal and the fifth creature of the Chinese zodiac. It resided over the east and the sunsrise. It was also said to bring rain and the springtime. The dragon is interesting because it combines all four elements: air, earth, fire, and water. It could fly, had the horns of a ox, breathed fire, and resided over the moon.
What mythical beast best represents you? Take the quiz!




You are Ein
The genetically engineered data dog which makes you one super intelligent pup.
Which Cowboy Bebop Character Are You?

So, which Fraggle ARE YOU most like? Click here to find out.

What Jelly Belly flavor are you? I'm -

Find your flavor here!


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