Free Graphics by and/or from

I decided that since I spend so much time on the computer, making webpage graphics out of anything that can be considered visually appealing (or visually existant, for that matter), that I should make these works available to the general public. Therefore, BEHOLD! Free-graphiccy goodness... Most of these were made using a combination of my scanner, Adobe PhotoDeluxe, Adobe Photoshop v. 5.5 and v. 6.0, large, ugly, way-too-big-therefore-not-real-useful pics found on the internet, my brain, and my insomnia. So enjoy! Steal them! Steal them and use them!

Steal them and use them and LINK ME!!!

**Anything you see animated on these pages is NOT by me. And I dont claim rights to any of the characters you see
on these pages. Ok? So don't sue me. I'm sure you've got enough pocket lint of your own.**

This page is a page of graphics in general. The themed graphics pages are listed below:



Disney Villains graphics
Ryoko (Tenchi Muyo) graphics
Invader Zim graphics
Gorillaz graphics
Ride back to the Toybox
Happy Noodle Boy graphics
Tank Girl graphics
Rockstar graphics
Graphics TOTALLY by Me!