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Dear FMHA Members,
What an awesome Citrus Cup show we had this year! I need to thank many people that volunteered their time and energy with the show's activities. Citru Cup is great because of you. Some of the key contributors include Alicia Davis, Betty Gray, Lynn Wiezycki, Beth & Brad Hammond, Sandy Rill, Jane Brown, Jane Catone, Claudia & Bill Parkhurst, and many others. With all the stall and center ring decorations, the vendors, barn asile parties, and Exhibitors' Party, there was almost too much to see and do in and around showing our wonderful horses! All of the volunteers, sponsers, and participants make Citrus Cup the one of the best Regional horse shows in the country. Thank you!

Keeping that spirit and momentum going for the next show will be easy. The Summer's End all-Morgan horse show will be held in New Smyrna, FLorida on August 28,29,& 30. This is a brand new opportunity to showcase our Morgans in a fantastic facility. Remember, this show exits at your request, our members. It is an ASHA A-rated, all-Morgan show dedicated to all ages and experience levels of horse and rider that is also a warm-up and qualifier for the Morgan Nationals. Please continue passing along you great ideas, because this show is yours! Thank you to all the volunteers that have already put in many hours to pull it together. Despite the large task in front of us, I know that the energy and team work that is always present in our club will make this first annual Summer's End horse show a huge success. I hope to see all of you there.

Best wishes,

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