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Central Region News
-Jane Brown

I just wanted to take this oppertunity to thank all of my friends in the FMHA for your thoughtfulness, caring and support during the loss of my father. The beautiful flowers were an especially bright spot during that time, and my entire family enjoyed them. I also want to thank all of my close friends that jumped in there and did my job for me to help Sandy Rill hae a wonderful gathering at her home-I was sorry to miss it but I heard everyone had a great time. Again, thank you, and it is always a comfort to know that there are so many wonderful people in this special Morgan world.

News From the North
-Bill Parkhurst

Been busy up here in this State's snow region. Busy, that is, fighting a heat wave and drought conditions. Maybe we better start taking the issue of global warming a bit more seriously.

Meeting Party. Thanks Earline, Richard, and Larry and the crew at Summerfields for hosting such a great party. A huge turnout enjoyed seeing Cole doing his Roman riding stuff and the Summerfields stallions, mares and this year's crop of beautiful foals on display. Such beautiful animals! Well worth your time to visit if you are in the area. Glenn and Bill led the meeting and Jane Blue discussed current happenings at the AMHA. She again stated that we should be proud of what a good and active club we have.

Ride A Thon. We are sponsoring the MTRA ride-a-thon again this yeat in September. We need lots of participation and help. This means you. Call Bill Parkhurst and sign up as a rider, a volunteer or planner.

Thanks. Thanks to Michael Rabinowitz for being Northern Region's VP until other obligations made him step down. I'll pick up the baton and keep running.

Southern Region
-Leah Monte

Things are starting up in south Florida once again. A great (but small) bunch of us met up on May 17th at Park Ave. Ribs in Wellington for good food and Morgan Chat. I was plaesed to see some new faces and hope that in the future we have more mewcomers join the fun.

The first topic of discussion was our upcoming trail ride. It was decided that we should save our beach ride for cooler wether in the fall, but that we wouldhave a nice local ride instead to kick off the summer. Todd and Kathy Whelan graciously offered thier home (in Lake Worth) for the ride as well as the cook out and the meeting that is to follow. If you plan to come, bring your suit as there will be swimming also. Everyone is encouraged to join us (even if you don't have a horse to ride) and please bring a dish to pass as well as your "grill food" for master chef Todd to prepair . The ride was to be held June 14th.

We also discussed our growing number of youth participants, and determined that some youth activities should be planned for the future. De tails will be upcoming, and again, we strongly urge area youth members to join in! The more kids we have, the more fun it will be for everyone. Next newsletter, we will spotlight Lindsey LeVert in an autobiography so you can get to know some of our younger memebrs if you don't already.

With summer vacation on the way, we decided that there will not be a July meeting as many of us will be traveling, but a date for the August meeting will be scheduled at the trail ride in June. Please feel free to contact me for that information after June 14th.

We would love to hear from the other members in the southern region. We have plans to submit biographies on farms, develop youth activities, and have some exciting events in the future and would love input, articles & pictures to submit to the newsletter. Please call me if you have anything you care to share. A happy, healthy and enjoyable summer to everyone!!

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