Fluffy's Angels


My Guardian Angel

Finding your Guardian Angel
Is harder then you think...
I know it's always with me
But can't see it till I blink...

It helps me through lifes's problems
And sends messages in my dreams...
It may not make sense to you
But this is how is seems...

If I am ever scared
All I do is pray...
It's my messenger to God
To solve my problems of the day...

By, Lisa Brennan

Angels' Prayer

I say my prayers each day and I
repeat them every night...
Because I know that when I do
my life will be alright...
Somehow the Angels comfort me
whenever I have tears...
And always they encourage me
to overcome my fears...
I tell them all of my troubles when
they seem too much to bear...
And I put my faith and confidence
in their almighty care...
With all of life's daily problems
I know that they are on my side...
They will be there for me forever
to love, to rule and to forever guide...
So I say my prayers real slowly
and I mean each word I say...
Because I nead the Heavens above
to hear me when I pray...

By Martina Tarandek

Visiting Angel

Little hands
with tiny fingers
floating down from above...
Outstreatched wings
of celestial beauty
extend their amiable welcome...
They whisper sweet things
in the little ears
of those who believe
in Miracles...
They don't stay for long
they change like the winds
to pass on what they know
to everyone they can
to everyone who believes...
And I know that they are always
watching over me...
Because they told me so
the other night
when they visited my room...

Heather Bielinski

An Angel Gets Her Wings

Can you imagine holding an Angel by her hand
As you march to the sound of an Angelic band...
Oh God, please let this be real
Because I can't explain the pleasure that I feel...
My life on earth has come to an end
But don't be sad, my dear friend...
Life in Heaven is full of laughter
Tell my Family I couldn't be happier...
You wouldn't believe the beauty of those pearly gates
That's where my family that left before waits...
And once inside you hear the Angels sing
As God gives you your Angel wings...
Angel wings are softer than anything you know
They're softer than silk, lighter than snow...
I love to feel them by my side
But the ultimate is when I open them to fly...
The Angels start to sing and pray
For another Angel got her wings today...

Donna Titus

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