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Buy Michael at Lulu Now!
Michael... the story about a young boy who is born to cold, indifferent parents and how he is brought up by his wonderful Grandma Charlie... it shows how this child learns the better values of life and puts them in practice; values about friendship... values about love... values about being a human being... Michael is the child you want to be... Michael is the child you want to have.  129 pages; General Price: $15.00 + S/H  ISBN: 1-4116-0813-5.
Ivy Seijo

...the pseudonym under which this writer "speaks." She is recognized as a Puerto Rican poet and has had poems published by Noble House (latest: Theatre of the Mind; Copyright 2003, "Let the Child Sleep"). Sixty-two years young, she is a retired accountant, Puerto Rico born and bred (she’s never lived or studied anywhere else); her parents were a publicist and a secretary. She went to Business College for two years and won the Typing Trophy (for exceeding 100 wpm in a test that lasted only 10 minutes with less than 2 errors -a trophy that had last been won twenty to twenty-five years prior to when Seijo won it).  Although she worked since she was seventeen years old as a secretary (to help support her family) she became an accountant through on-the-job training (and ultimately acquired the typing speed of 115 wpm with fewer than 5 errors). Most of her years as an employee were dedicated to British West Indian Airlines, or rather their station in Puerto Rico, as their station comptroller.

When BWIA closed their station in Puerto Rico forever... Ms. Seijo found herself with a lot of time on her hands and so began writing about her life and experiences as a child and teenager and what passes as a "grown-up" these days (as well as about her family)... as sort of a journal for those who would come after her. Her lifelong ambition has been to be able to pass on the lessons learned and the knowledge acquired in this life to those who would come after her and could apply it to their own (and she has fun doing it!).

Her poems led to short stories... her short stories led to novels... her novels have led to an epic (which she is currently working on). Her short stories and novels are self-published and there are many more penned that have not been published as yet.  Look for the titles as they are being transcribed and are in line to be published shortly...

Ellie... Melody... Adam... Gilda... Kala... Megan (I & II)...  and Molly...

The mother of two beautiful daughters: Marybeth (who is currently serving the United States of America as a Petty Officer in the US Navy) and Melody (a bio-chemist working with a pharmaceutical company in DE), grandmother of Jorge Javier and Gabrielle. Oh, and let us not forget the babies (Shih Tsu’s): Nena (14 human years young), Muñeca (12 human years young) and Chiquitita (6 human years young).

Seijo generally writes about wrong vs. right and the possible consequences of each path taken ...about the Supreme Being who made us in His soul’s image and the lessons He wants us to learn in spite of our "free will." ...about love and its constancy throughout many lives and shows us that --although not easy-- it IS possible to change for the better, no matter the hand life has dealt one or the choices one makes in one’s life. These values are shown in stories... not lectures or drawn out sermonizing; stories that anyone –even children– can enjoy!

You can order any of her books using the ISBN number at any local or online bookstore!

You can email Ivy Seijo at



Buy Charlotte at Lulu Now!
Charlotte...the story of Grandma Charlie... how she grew up... what she became... Her life was difficult because she was a woman in an age where women were considered "useful commodities" for men, but not part of active life unless they were in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant. Here you will find out how Charlotte braved the world to accomplish her dreams for the future, not only for herself, but for those around her... it tells us how she became Grandma Charlie... 146 pages, General Price: $15.00 + S/H  ISBN: 1-4116-0932-8

Buy Casey; The Promise at Lulu Now!
Casey: The Promise... the completion of a promise made by Grandma Charlie that Casey fulfills... read it and find out some possible answers to our meager existence... how we can make a difference... how what we do, say, even possibly think can affect others... It speaks of today issues insofar as an aspect of child abuse is concerned and gives us an example of what could happen... maybe even what should happen since Man’s law can’t seem to solve the problem of constant abuse of children ... 385 pages, General Price: $20.00 + S/H  ISBN: 1-4116-0933-6

Buy Intimate Voices at Lulu Now!
Intimate Voices...  a collection of short stories that have been written throughout the life of the author.  Some of the short stories reflect life experience and others present either the philosophy and ideas of the author.  All are extremely entertaining and insightful. 237 pages, General Price: 12.00 + S/H  ISBN: 1-4116-1827-0

Buy Aaron at Lulu Now!

Aaron..."speaks" of a boy of Jewish heritage who loses himself --and even in a sense his own parentage-- in Israel just before WWII and then... many years later, "finds" himself in America, with the help of a wonderful woman.  It 'speaks' of love and family and the values we have somehow lost along the way in this world of 'progress'... 211 pages, General Price: 25.00+S/H ISBN: 1-4116-2208-1